Comments on: A Necessary Digression Thoughts on Politics and Life Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Wed, 05 Oct 2005 12:11:00 +0000 Hi i am totally blown away with the blogs people have created its so much fun to read alot of good info and you have also one of the best blogs !! Have some time check my link to !!home business resource

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By: Ken Grandlund Sun, 12 Jun 2005 04:45:00 +0000 (responses)

Chandira- Say Hi to Ran back for me. I’d look forward to reading his thoughts again.

Yes- exactly, we finally have to accept that life extends beyond the cradle provided by mom and dad. And it’s true, that if we on;y want someone else to take care of us, we may not like too much how they do it. Which is why we must use our voices.

BonJ- Nice to hear from you again.
Good points too about needing people to run the government, but we still have to work to be more efficient. Efficient AND effective government is the goal, I think, which may be accomplished with a lower total number of government employees, all doing a better job with less red tape.

See you again!

By: BonJ Sat, 11 Jun 2005 17:37:00 +0000 Great conversation Ken. And Chandira is right, we do only have ourselves to blame for what we allow to happen. There are too many examples of that, starting at the top with that “majority” decision last November. Regarding Ottoman’s point about gov’t size, I’m surprised that “the left” are getting bruised for wanting our government to be a working body~ which by the way takes bodies. The right’s idea of smaller gov’t has and always will mean they want to be the only ones in charge. Not that the large head will have any legs. All of us are in this together, but apparently we’re still on the elementary playground. Finding common sense on common ground is the only hope we’ve got. Nice to be back.

By: Chandira Thu, 09 Jun 2005 23:53:00 +0000 :-) I’ll be back.. Ran says hi, I had an email from him today. He’s doing well, busy writing other stuff. He’ll be back soon.

I think it’s laziness, that shock at discovering ‘WHAT? Life? I have to DEAL with this shit??’ when we’re first born. Life is an effort, to most of us. We’d rather somebody else took over. I know I would. But, then look what happens!! We only have ourselves to blame. lol

By: Ken Grandlund Thu, 09 Jun 2005 03:19:00 +0000 (responses)

Batts- Thanks. Although I eschew political parties in general, in favor of non-partisanship, I think that in a political party system, representation is hardly served by two main parties. Third, fourth, and even more viable parties would be a better reflection of the populace. Perhaps I could support a Common Sense party, provided of course, that it maintained its common sense! Catch you later.

Ottman- Your generalities may have rung true in the past, but the current “conservative” administration has presided over one of the largest, most sweeping enlargement of government in generations, so neither party can honestly claim to be about smaller government and be believable. Both are to blame.

Despite the “biggest turnout in decades” the number of eligible voters who actually voted is still pitiable. If the truth were to be told, notwithstanding “scientific extrapolation” of non-voter beliefs, there has been no real mandate for some time, save for minor issues here and there.

Term limits are certainly a possibility for maintaining a “fresh” legislative branch, and to some degree I believe they serve a good purpose, but their current applications aren’t necessarily thought through completely. But I’ll get to that later. But you’re 100% right about the pork and the duplicity.

But these problems scream out even more for people to vote rather than throw in the towel and hide their heads in the sand.

Great comments, as always.

Chandira- Welcome back. I miss Ran’s blog too.

Yeah, that Oedipal thing can really foul things up, eh? People only grow up when they have too, and anything that can delay that from happening is embraced as a good thing. Is it laziness? Apprehension? Uncertainty? It is all of those and more, but that, as they say, is the nature of life.

But reliance on an obsequious “dad” can be lessened without total comprehension, sort of a learn as you go program. We need to start by telling the truth and then gently push (or sometimes heartily shove) each other in the right direction.

Hope to hear from you again!

Web_loafer- Drop by again sometime. And spread the word if you’re so inclined.

Windspike- It may be a challange, but it’s when you feel no hope that the massive shout of voices in the ballot box can be effective. What better slap in the face to the corrupt officials of today than a 100% turnout which turns them out. It would seem that it would be easier to increase voter participation in the midst of hopelessness than when things are going great…

David- Good advice for everyone. It really doesn’t take much, since they get so little input. A few hundred voices make them sit up and think a little harder.

By: David Schantz Thu, 09 Jun 2005 01:47:00 +0000 Excellent post!I think it says someting about my elected officials e-mail addresses being in my address book in my bio. If we don’t stay in their face they assume we like what they are doing. Contact yours in the morning and let them know what you think, they work for you.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

By: windspike Wed, 08 Jun 2005 23:55:00 +0000 Ken, you suggest the idea of “false mandates,” in your earlier reply. This might make an interesting post for the future – By your statement, we know how to begin it, but how to finish the thinking in that area is a difficult one. Convincing others to vote when they see no hope in it is a bigger challenge.

By: web_loafer Wed, 08 Jun 2005 22:33:00 +0000 Level Headed… my interest and kept it. I wish all people would approach government as you do.

By: Chandira Wed, 08 Jun 2005 22:14:00 +0000 “It is time to quit thinking about government as an entity apart from the people, because in doing so, we establish a rivalry when one should never be.”
Absolutely! Couldn’t agree more, with your whole post, but, there is a huge thing getting in the way of that, the people’s need for “dad” and the way it manifests Oedipally though both politics and religion.

We also tend to wrongly think “God” is an entity apart from the people, whether we believe in that God or not…
What I feel needs to happen is for us to stop doing that, feeling a need for somebody else to take responsibility/blame and just damn well grow up! People are never going to start growing up unless they get this, fundamentally, as a bodily realization, not just an intellectual excercise. WHich it isn’t even that yet, for most people.
Oh crap. We’re screwed.. 😉
