Feelings of helplessness tonight have turned to frustration and anger as I watch the news channels and see the failings of our corrupted political system. While Congress waits to approve money for aid to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, people are starving on the rooftops of New Orleans. While President Bush strolls back from a lengthy and undeserved vacation, children are being born in the filth and sewage of a flooding city. As oil executives giddily see their yearly profits engorge from ever-increasing gasoline prices, desperate people are shooting at each other to protect what little they have left. And as the entire governmental system from the local to the national level sits on its collective hands, America sits by and wrings her hands and sends electronic donations to their favorite charities.

The meteorological catastrophe that was Hurricane Katrina ended 4 days ago and counting, and our brothers and sisters are clinging to life, abandoned by the very system that kept them too poor to get out of town. Hundreds of thousands have lost everything they had. Tens of thousands are lacking water as you read this. Thousands are already dead. America- our government will not help these people. We must step up to the plate.

This disaster was preventable, and our government must be held accountable for its massive breakdown and failure. Our businesses must be held accountable for their creed of profit over people. They share as much blame for this nightmare as Nature does. But the time for pointing fingers is not now. We can change our government, and in the aftermath of this disaster, I think we must, but that must wait for now. Politics must be put aside and Americans of all lines of thought need to really step up. Donating money is well and good, but the charities move slowly and these people are running out of time. We must act now.

The greatest need is for food and water to those people who are stranded in New Orleans and other Gulf Coast cities. So let’s get it there. In every city in every state, a local trucking company or public moving van rental company should donate the use of their trucks to deliver necessities to the affected areas. In every city in every state, we need retailers (like Wal-Mart, the richest company on the planet) to donate food, water, diapers, medicine and the like until the trucks are full. In every city in every state we need gas companies to donate the fuel to drive these and other rescue vehicles to the Gulf Coast. Employers in every city in every state need to release some employees to load trucks, drive trucks, and offer aid. These employees should not have to worry about losing their jobs, and if possible not lose their pay either. And we need people, everyday people who will drive and load and help. Above all, we need for businesses to forget about their profit margins for a few weeks or months because people are dying. If it will help loosen the purse strings, all levels of government should allow for tax credits for all donated time and goods, but any company who cheats the deal should be fully prosecuted. (So keep accurate records please!) We need people with boats to tow them to New Orleans and help evacuate stranded people. And of course, continue to raise funds and give to the charities. They will need the help once the emergency of death has been resolved.

Americans pride themselves on being generous to those in need of help, and the monetary donations so far bear truth to that claim. BUT OUR GOVERNMENT IS FAILING THESE PEOPLE AND LEAVING THEM TO DIE! America’s citizens must help each other out. I know everyone can’t just drop everything and go, but we can all do something. Business and Industry likes to tell us in their ads “It’s About the Family” or “People Come First.” Well, it’s time to put their money where their mouths are. One truck from each town in this country is all it would take. If we start loading today, we could have people there by tonight. And if the businesses won’t help, start a collection in our neighborhoods and pay for it ourselves, and when this is all over, we’ll remember who really cared about America and her people.

For many, we will already be too late. But there are thousands more who need our help. We can’t continue to sit and watch from our living rooms as people slowly dehydrate and die. Because no matter where you live in this great country, the next disaster could happen to you or your friends and family. And we obviously can’t count on this government to help us out. We must act now!

You can begin organizing these efforts on your own in your town. There is no need for a national umbrella group to spearhead this effort. Send this letter to your local paper, or radio station, or TV station. Take it to work and to businesses that have the supplies needed right now. Even if you can’t physically go to the Gulf Coast to help, you can help get the ball rolling. Our brothers and sisters are crying for our help. Let’s not fail them like our government has.