
Political Party Platforms- An Exercise in Self Awareness

As a follow up to my recent essay submitting that the 2016 Presidential Election has actually done a favor to America by exposing the hypocrisy of all political persuasions, I decided to review the official 2016 party platforms of the Republican, Democrat and Libertarian parties. (links provided to each for your reading pleasure) I focused […]


Why I’m Grateful for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and the 2016 Presidential Election (and yes, you too Gary Johnson)

The title of this post sounds a lot like a high school essay assignment, and in some ways I feel like it could be. Election 2016 has much in common with adolescence-from the nasty name calling to the easily debunked fallacies, from the widespread rumors to the false friendships- that it would be more appropriate […]


A Message To Evangelicals About The 2016 US Presidential Election

I’m puzzled by the Christians who believe that liberal social policies are an affront to their chosen faith. Liberal social policies reflect an attempt by society to create equality for all and to help those who most need help- something the Christian doctrine tells you to embrace. Far right religious institutions claim incursions onto their […]


What A Difference 2 Days Make

Finally, an adult is running things in Washington D.C. President Obama, in two short days, has begun to transform American politics and our reputation abroad with a series of mature decisions that will shape his presidency and the landscape of American politics. Instead of pretending that things are rosy all around, Obama has told all […]


Despite Historic Obama Election, Bush Still Has 77 Days In Which To Make Things Even Worse

Despite yesterday’s historic election that has made Barack Obama the next president, let us not forget that we still have 77 days of George W. Bush to contend with. Because believe me, Bush isn’t forgetting that he’s still the Decider in Chief until January 20th. Outgoing presidents like to “tie up loose ends” and place […]


An Election To Remember

It’s not often that we actually can feel the sense of being a part of an historic moment. Today is that day. I’ve voted at the same location for over five years. In those five years, I can not ever remember seeing more than about ten people at the poll at the same time as […]


Election Coverage Fatigue?

Okay- a few days ago, Steve O asked what we’d all be doing on Election Night. As some of you may know, I am a television producer for a local television station in San Diego. Election night is a big thing for TV news, but I don’t work in the news department, so instead of […]


More on “Socialism” and “Wealth Redistribution”

Last week, I put together a short video about the history of socialism in America. (In case you missed it, you can watch it here.) Whether you want to admit it or not, America is now, and has for some time been, a nation filled with socialism and wealth redistribution. It is how we pay […]


McCain’s New Campaign Theme Song

Since John McCain is now saying that he want’s to “postpone” the first presidential debate in order “to work on the economy,” his campaign has revealed their new theme song for the duration of the campaign. Here it is for your enjoyment.


Remember When $500 Billion Was A Big Bailout? John McCain Hopes You Don’t

John McCain, that POW guy who can’t tell the truth from a lie, and the guy who wants you to give him the key to the most powerful office in the world, has intimate experience with financial meltdowns and big government transfers of wealth from taxpayers to crooked financial bastards. John McCain a liar and […]