Comments on: Family Values? Thoughts on Politics and Life Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Family Tue, 20 Dec 2005 01:15:00 +0000 Ken Grandlund,

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By: Ken Grandlund Wed, 03 Aug 2005 05:18:00 +0000 (responses)

Uncooperative- Communism? If you mean that everyone should share the same set of values and that the state’s agents should constantly remind us of those values not through their actions but through empty words, then we must have arrived a while back. Thanks for the comment.

Jen- Nice to have a new comment on an older post. Thanks for digging back into the vault.

How true that a dominant personality shapes the aspects of family life as surely as erosion shapes the Grand Canyon. And, keeping with the analogy, destructive forces that continue through time creat deep and lasting scars.

But I can truthfully say that I smile at and greet others who are unknown to meet each and every day. It just feels rude to walk by someone on an otherwise empty sidewalk without acknowledging their presence. Apparently, others feel this way too, as I often get the same in response. But when you have a sidewalk filled with throngs of people, we tend to make ourselves invisible. An odd thing, I think.

Thanks for the thoughts!

By: Jen Tue, 02 Aug 2005 19:56:00 +0000 Isn’t it amazing that just a decade ago we were talking about the dysfunctional family, now it’s “family values.”

There is a large amount of factors that create the family atmosphere today. However, the family attitude is up to the leaders in the family. And, in my opinion that family attitude makes or breaks the family.

The family attitude can likely be boiled down to the value one places on life. If the family leader has a low value on his/her life, then it echoes into the cavernous minds of the other family members. And likely that family leader learned how to devalue life from his/her experiences growing up in such a devalued family or from other social outlets that devalue life.

Think about the last time you stood up for a downtrodden, bullied person. Or the last time you smiled at someone and wished them a good day, truthfully.

Our society has a grand way to maintain devalued lives and ultimately devalued families. Family values start when we start valuing humans, regardless of political or religious affiliation or moral stance.

By: The Uncooperative Blogger Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:25:00 +0000 Welcome to communism folks.

By: Ken Grandlund Tue, 28 Jun 2005 16:36:00 +0000 (response)

Waybar- No problem. I think that if folks are going to go to the effort to participate in the conversation, the least I can do is respond. And while I may miss some new comments on older posts, i do try to catch them all.

Hope to hear from you again.

By: waybar Tue, 28 Jun 2005 16:23:00 +0000 I am very impressed by your responses to each post. Thank you!

By: Ken Grandlund Mon, 27 Jun 2005 03:32:00 +0000 (responses)

GTL- Yes- financial concerns do play a large part in the decline of time they can spend with the kids, thus limiting the opportunities to pass on valuable lessons. We shouldn’t have to legislate decency and common sense, but we know that corporations care about profit first and foremost, and are too near-sighted to realize that they are burning out their own customer base, slowly but surely by encouraging and demanding a lifestyle that places emphasis on greed over good.

Green-Eyed Lady- I think that these things do combine to create an erosion of culture.
As for marriage, the species managed to propigate long before religious unions were created, but the concept of “holy union” is of obvious religious origin. However, this is just a label on an action, as is the word marriage itself. Call it whatever you want, just allow everyone the same benefits of a union, support their families equally, instead of making their lives full of prejudice and turmoil.
And yes, the “women’s lib” movement may have been an over-reaction to so many years of inequality. If there is a down side, it could be the radical shift in the family that has riden alongside the successes of women in the workplace. A positive would be the greater amount of involvement from fathers, but this is still a relatively small number overall. Balance is what is needed at some point, and returning to a one-earner family basis would be a great start…but how?
Good comment(s).

Jolly- Congratulations. You win an Anonymous prize, delivered personally by anonymous. Please let us know what you’ve won…

Family values, as espoused by religious zealotry is just as you say. Common Sense family values espouse equality, respect, and honesty, among others, as applied to all our neighbors.

Angel_emt_2559- Yes, this is the hypocrisy of the politician. Pandering and elitist at its worst.

OTTMAN- Actually, plenty of folks don’t agree with everything I say, but your own consistent attacks on homosexuals leads me to believe that you have some underlying hatred towards them, or fear of them.

Also, what factual evidence do you have that supports your theory that homosexuals are the cause of/ largest carrier-spreader of their “ever expanding sexual diseases” beyond your own Sunday sermons and religious intolerance? This is simply spreading pulpit propaganda without educated back-up, therefore the label “uneducated.”

You’ve accused me before of using feelings over facts. If all of your “facts” are as emotionless and reality based as your “facts” about homosexuals, then it’s no wonder you are confused.

Stay away if you choose, but I don’t feel our rebuttals are a waste of time. I have a feeling you’ll be back anyhow.

By: OTTMANN Sun, 26 Jun 2005 05:20:00 +0000 Ken,
I have not attacked you personally, but you have attacked me and my comments, without any basis or facts on what I’ve said. Name calling is beneath you isn’t it? At least I thought it was.

FACT: I never said I hated anyone. YOU have ASSumed it because of your own lack of acceptance toward those with opinions that contrast with your own.

Do you think of yourself as an “intellectual” ?

My experience with those types who think they’re so smart, is that they talk far too much trying to sound smart, but say little of anything that has any value in the real world.

Most self-appointed intellectuals are really quite dumb as they have zero common sense to balance themselves with, preferring to rely on their feelings over actual facts.

Your ASSumptions about me were quite revealing in just that way, and also completely wrong, proving to me that your blog name is a fallacy. An example would be your labeling me as “uneducated,” showing you to be a person of arrogance, which most of the “intellectual” types certainly are.

I’ve enjoyed reading some your posts on here, but since you feel I’m not worthy, I won’t waste our time any longer because you’re in a class all by yourselfish.

Good luck in your world.

By: greeneyed_lady Sat, 25 Jun 2005 15:20:00 +0000 As I tried to state above, I believe family values is just that, values yours or my family have set reguardless of Government or what the people next door are doing. It is really no one elses business. That’s why it’s not really any politicians place to set that stadard or to pass legislation based on their own moral stadards.

By: Angel Sat, 25 Jun 2005 05:27:00 +0000 I agree with Ashley on this one. Family Values means to be against the “labeled” traditional family. In other words, against gay and lesbian families and christians.
