Comments on: Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That…. Thoughts on Politics and Life Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ken Grandlund Fri, 24 Feb 2006 22:57:00 +0000 (response)

Tyo- That’s just what I’m saying. Thanks for dropping in.

By: Tyo Fri, 24 Feb 2006 20:29:00 +0000 Religion shouldn’t even be an issue here.

In a secular state, people don’t need the approval of any religious body to marry. Every day couples get married at the courthouse without religious sanction or blessing of any sort.

Conversly without state sanction (a marriage license) all the religious ceremonies in the world can’t make a couple legally married in this country.

Gays should have the same right to civil marriage as straight people do.
A church may then sanctify these marriages or not as it chooses.

By: eV Mon, 20 Feb 2006 00:15:00 +0000 And the answer is…What is God only knows?

By: Ken Grandlund Thu, 16 Feb 2006 05:12:00 +0000 (response)

Monika-Actually, Monika, I’m saying that many of the people who use the religious argument against homosexuality like to use the “procreation” argument, and many do decry sex in general as not something to be done except under certain circumstances.

My argument here is not about religion, in specific. I won’t try to dissuade you in your belief, whether or not I agree with your assumptions.

The text in the Bible has been altered many, many times over the ages. And to say you see no contradictions leaves me to wonder how you could have read all the text and not see any…Even many hard core religious people see the inconsistencies, but they refuse to try to reconcile them. Whatever works for you I guess.

And you are right…I don’t know you, but I find it hard to believe that you are capable of following each and every dictum laid out in the Bible. If you do, you are indeed a remarkable person, though not necessarily consistent.

Your rock is as solid as you want it to be. I won’t try to crumble it from under you.

By: Marie Wed, 15 Feb 2006 06:39:00 +0000 Yes, I know you did mention religion, but your statement was truncated. You seem to think God says that you’re not supposed to have sex unless you’re procreating. There’s nothing in the Bible that says that. Reference the entire section of the Bible called Song of Solomon, for one long string of examples. If we were only supposed to have sex to procreate, we’d be forbidden to do it after menopause; or if one of the couple is or infertile; or during infertile times of women’s cycles; none which is forbidden in the Bible.

I believe the Bible in its original languages is the actual word of God, yes. I also think the English translation is an extremely faithful one. I do not find any contradiction in Scripture. I try to follow it, yes. If I sin, I repent. I don’t live in sin.

Why would you say, “I doubt it, so quit playing “pick-n-choose God-speak.”” You don’t know me.

I know that Mormons are/were polygamous. So were some patriarchs. That doesn’t make it right. I know they consider themselves Christians. That’s not my fault, is it?

My friend, I have a rock to stand on.

Anyway, my purpose in commenting was to help others to understand where a lot of evangelicals are coming from. I was raised an atheist and didn’t get saved until I was 21. I can see pretty clearly from both sides of the pond.

By: Ken Grandlund Fri, 10 Feb 2006 18:18:00 +0000 (responses)

Windspike- Yes, I thought it needed another airing, so to speak.
And yes, there are no rational explanations for refusing equallity to homosexual people. That is why so many refer to biblical notions. Thanks for the comments.

Shea- I think they are afraid of their own hypocrisy, but can’t even see it. Sanctity of marriage? How many religious people are quick to file for divorce out of personal selfishness, or have affairs? Sanctity indeed!

Monika- Sorry Monika- but using religious justification was my number one argument, and I refuted it as a rational argument, in my opinion.
Do you absolutely believe that every word in the Bible is the literal word of God? Do you follow them all to a tee, including the massive contradictions within?
I doubt it, so quit playing “pick-n-choose God-speak.”
Also, did you forget that Mormons were quite fond of polygamy? They took the word to “go forth and multiply” quite literally for many years. They consider themselves to be Christians too you know…The same holds true for child marriage, practiced in less developed countries that claim Christianity as well.
Sorry dear, but you have no ground to stand on. But thanks for the comments.

V7- Thanks. Drop by again sometime.

Tsulea- I am just using the same arguments that those who condemn gays use…but yes, there are positives and negatives to both kinds of relationships. Not due to the nature of the relationships themselves though, but due to human nature. Thanks for dropping by.

Dave- Nicely said. Thanks for leaving a comment.

Dr. T- They are just proving that they are not spiritual religoius types, but religious in name only. It is a sham, but they are too blind by their narrow view to see it for what it is. Thanks for dropping by.

Rick- Comments on both sides…thanks for the dual input.
Yes, it does almost seem pointless to battle verse with verse, but there is so much material to work with, and it’s always nice to hear them sputter and spin when you refute the “word of God” with other “words of God.”

By: Rick Wed, 08 Feb 2006 16:43:00 +0000 Frankly, I’m rather weary of countering xtian “logic” by citing references in their own dogma that counters their bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Sure, while the Israelites were wondering through the desert, their priests decided what they could and could not do, perhaps, I don’t know, to keep them from dying out during those 40 years. No sex during a woman’s period, no eating at Red Lobster, no sassing your folks when you’re having a teenage hormonal flux…all punishable by death. As in, “God said it was okay to kill you.” Try that out in today’s courts. Maybe you’ll get lucky and be declared unfit to stand trial due to mental incapacity. As for the New Testament, sure Paul (according to approved translations) didn’t approve of same-sex relations in his letters to the churches in the epistles but Paul had a problem with nearly any human activity; “anal retentive” only begins to describe his uptightness and yet, thanks to the Council of Nicea (courtesy of your early Roman church state), there he is in all his glory, Jesus’ own “Karl Rove” with a good chunk of the New Testament devoted to his diatribes. If xtianity hadn’t undergone a reformation, modern xtians would be as equally whacked as they regard the Islamic fundies rioting over how hurt their feelings are over a caricature of their “prophet”. Hard to believe? Google on “Spanish Inquisition.” But, if we followed xtian doctrine (Old and New established the criteria!), women would not have the right to vote, the right to show their face unveiled, the right to work outside the home, the right to object to anything their husband said or did. In short, a woman would be patriarchally up a creek without a feminist paddle. So, instead of “skimming” through (likely ultraconservative) religious tracts for the 4-1-1 on what “God says” and making the lamest of snap judgments (which is more likely just brainwashing you’ve received throughout your upbringing), try firing a few more synapses and actually exercise some reason before peeking out from behind the curtain of the most-holy place and saying “Well God said so..” to justify good xtian bias and your own personal discomfort. Despite its cornpone quaintness, such assessments are second-rate and lazy, and it’s offensive to any reasonable, ethical person in a modern, democratic world. And the harsh “intellectual elitism” you may be sensing in my rather pointed response doesn’t begin to match the hollow high-mindedness regularly used by those thumping the “good book.” All I’m expecting is for you to change your mind. Yet, I’m expected to burn for all eternity for the my unrepentant nature. Nice!

By: Dr T in Austin Wed, 08 Feb 2006 15:22:00 +0000 These folks could benefit from a quck review of the red words in the Gospels– much about love, forgiveness, nonjudgement, nothing about homos. Same deal with those 10 Commandments. Tells you where God has his priorities.

If only they could wrap their heads around that “least of our brethren” stuff.

By: Dave in Northridge Wed, 08 Feb 2006 15:10:00 +0000 Didn’t the Bible also say, for those who believe it is the direct word of God (in fact, this would be a direct quote from Jesus, which makes it doubly so), “Let he who is without sin cast the frist stone?” Worry about the beam in your own eye, Monika.

By: Tsulea Tue, 07 Feb 2006 21:54:00 +0000 Human beings all deserve the same rights, regardless of their sexual orientation.

I do think your arguement however has been unfairly worded.
I think if you are to take comparisons of straight/gay life, then you shouldn’t take negative straight examples and compare them to positive gay. BOTH orientations have thier up and downs, a negative experience for children under either situation is exactly that.

For Monika… Gay marriage hurts no-one, what right do you have to deny them happiness?
Your bible is full of contradictions, and all meanings within are abused on a regular basis to control other peoples lives. How would you like your faith outlawed or discriminated against?

I accept peoples rights to act however they wish – As long as it hurts no other.
It may not have been proven that being gay is a choice, or genetics. It also hasnt been proven that having two loving fathers, or mothers, will hurt a child.
