Comments on: One Man’s Abortion Story Thoughts on Politics and Life Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: PJ Mon, 13 Mar 2006 03:01:00 +0000 Ken, that is beautiful. That should be posted everywhere. I’m linking to it, if you don’t mind.

By: Eko Prasetyo Fri, 10 Mar 2006 00:55:00 +0000 Ken, I was trying to give some insight that if you take off the “urgent needs” to fulfill hormonal drives and put some “long term thinking” into the mind of those “energetic youths”, you will have less useless debate on whether abortion should be used.

I will support an abortion if the resulting carriage will be dangerous to the mother; unless the mother says otherwise.

I will not support an abortion if the pregnancy is the result of “hormonal unleash” of 2 young, irresponsible youths. If you can’t stand up the unleashed heat, don’t start the fire.

I am a pro-life, but I prefer to be called “Pro-Chance”

It is quite sickening to see that generations in america have done free-sex quite everywhere, but when a young girl, still in school, is pregnant due to that same free-sex, she will be labelled sinner and irresponsible.

Responsibility is way beyond that latex wrapped around your penis.

By: Marie Thu, 09 Mar 2006 23:37:00 +0000 If killing children is not a black and white issue, what is?

Insert “molested a child” into your piece and see how beautiful it is. No? Of course not. All the prose, and the introspection, and the reflection, I see it as all a smokescreen for a terrible, terrible thing.

I know it’s not my pulpit! That is a condescending statement. Your blog like mine is open for comments. I commented, that’s all. I’m sure you expected some negative comments? We aren’t all carried away by poetic descriptions of terrible acts. . .

By: Black Eyed Gurl Wed, 08 Mar 2006 20:37:00 +0000 Wow, it’s always nice to hear the story from the other side as well. Thanks for being one of the good guys!

By: Ken Grandlund Tue, 07 Mar 2006 20:16:00 +0000 (responses)

Windspike- I’ll take the comments at either site, and reply as appropriate. Thanks for your continued readership and support. As for posting this, we need to hear the stories to combat the current assault against women in this country. Thanks, as always, for dropping by.

Dawn- Thanks for your two cents. Current law allows first trimester (up to 12 weeks) abortions with few restrictions. Apparently, the legal/medical/scientific community has determined that 2 months gestation does not a human make. Already forming is not quite the same as completely formed.

Aurelius-I am glad to have offered this for you to read. Thanks for dropping by.

KellyE-Thanks for understanding the gist of this post. Just because we support choice does not negate the weight that choice brings.

Eko- Although we have had some fine discourse in the past, this comment of yours does not rise to previous standards.
First- You have adults living off their parents AND supporting families. Should they not be doing so? Sex, and hormonal changes in teenagers does not necessarily have anything to do with parental financial support.
Second- The argument of when life begins will continue indefinitely. The argument of letting women decide what happens to their bodies was decided too, but that issue keeps being attacked.
Third- Sexual desires are not exclusive to men (or boys.) Women (and girls) have them too, and in most cases, the sexual relationships of young people are consensual. They fulfill each others needs.

Kush- While I would defer to regional sovereignty in many cases, the ability of women to be free to make their own decisions is a constitutional issue, not one of state’s rights. If fundamentalists outnumber by just a slight margin, why should their views become law over those who don’t follow their dogma? Instead, they can choose not to abort without abridging the rights of those who choose to do so.
Thanks for leaving your thoughts.

KellyE- Thanks for helping with the clarification.

Monika- Sorry Monika- this is not your pulpit. I killed no one, I supported a decision by the one person who was most affected.
Your views are your own, and I support your right to them. But your vitriolic attempts to disdain me are futile and quite frankly, display your own adherence to “black and white” reality which I highly doubt even you follow in your own life.

KWW- Thanks, and great to hear from you again. I do recommend checking out the other stories, but you’ll probably have to check the archive at BIO.
My main point to this post was to show men where our proper position is in this debate. I could think of no better way than to share my own experience.
So many on the “pro-life” bandwagon care nothing about the future of a child, only that it is born at all costs. If there is a myopic viewpoint in this matter, it is theirs.

By: Kitchen Window Woman Tue, 07 Mar 2006 19:37:00 +0000 Ken…I am breathless. Your thoughtful, beautifully written description of your youthful experience with abortion may help many others look past the religious dogma and sexual control that drive this issue. I don’t think that I have ever read or heard the experience related from a man’s point of view. I commend you for writing this so honestly and openly. You have truly gifted all of us by sharing this most difficult passage in your life.

I have not yet read the other stories that you mentioned but plan to do so. I have often thought about writing about my own abortion and will probably do so sometime in the future. I was impressed that you were there for your girlfriend and were concerned that she not be alone during the procedure. I was alone.

I completely support the decisions that you and she made together and the process you went through to arrive at your decision. You were kids who dealt responsibly with a very difficult situation. It was important that you took into consideration both the immediate and long-term difficulties that having a child would have presented. There are many destructive marriages and abused children because pregnacy forced the continuation of an adolescent relationship.

One last thing…My husband of 26 years, like you, has never had the need or desire to dominate or control. We have an adult relationship based on mutual respect and equality as indviduals. I think of men who are domineering and controlling as underdeveloped. The remain childish, emotionally insecure little boys because they have’nt grown enough to achieve the self-actualization required of adults. I appreciate my husband as much as your wife must appreciate you. `

By: Marie Tue, 07 Mar 2006 07:17:00 +0000 Woe to those who call good evil, and evil good.

You killed your kid.

By: KellyE Tue, 07 Mar 2006 01:47:00 +0000 Kush,
I have to disagree with you. Both sides do not seek to impose their views. Only the “pro-life” side does this. The Pro-CHOICE view supports the woman who decides to bring a pregnancy to term as well as one who decides to abort. That misunderstanding is the crux of the issue, as far as I’m concerned.

By: Kevin Leary Mon, 06 Mar 2006 19:44:00 +0000 The abortion issue in this country just typifies the Federalist/Anti-Federalist debate which has been going on in this country since it was founded. While not being on the fence (I refer to myself as pro-abortion), I do accept either side of the story on this.

There are countless stories where abortion saved, simultaneously, the parents and the child, insofar as, at your early age, neither of you could have cared for the child as you would ultimately have hoped. Similarly, if fundamentalists want abortion outlawed in their state, and can pass the vote, then that should fly as well. However, the problem, of course, is that both sides seek to impose their will on everyone – Madison’s mischeif of faction. Some day, I hope we return to the regional sovereignty that has originally made this country great.

By: Eko Prasetyo Mon, 06 Mar 2006 05:31:00 +0000 All these talks about abortions and condoms are those things that need to be deleted from our civilization.
First, kids, don’t screw your girls pussies if you still screwing your parents wallets.
Second, how many times must we argue that abortion kill a life? Hell, a potency if you prefer.
Third, if a woman want to be responsible with her own body, she needs to start thinking that not every boy’s needs need to be fulfilled.

Oh, I forget. Women are supposed to be male-dependant, despite all talks about emancipation and such, so she must oblige to men’s desires.
