Comments on: Social and Economic Breakdown- Or Why Conservatives Should Want To Fight Global Warming Thoughts on Politics and Life Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: chandira Mon, 12 Feb 2007 19:56:00 +0000 I was travelling by car through the Washington Peninsula’s ‘rainforest’ this weekend, and it made me sick to the stomach. You see clearcut forest, for miles, and it’s not pretty. The logging companies, (Weyerhauser in particular) have totally destroyed square mile upon mile of rainforest.
It’s all discreetly hidden from passers by by about 30ft of trees they left standing by the roadside to disguise the damage, but every once in a while, you see through a gap, the total devastation. And it’s bad.
This is a classic example of the business ethic of the people that really could make that difference. They really don’t give a FUCK.

I think it’s also up to us to stop buying weyerhauser products, and that sort of thing, where re are aware of it. I think we can misunderestimate our own power as consumers sometimes.

Ken, bloggers like us really can also make a huge difference. I get so many Google hits about issues that need more public awareness, and that’s what keeps me going.

I refuse to leave stores with another paper bag, I bring them with me from home, and that’s just a small place to start, I know, but it all helps. Shouting loudly from your blog that “This isn’t good enough!!” makes them listen too.

For example, I remember writing a while back about dodgy Wells Fargo overdraft fees, and noticed a bunch of hits from :-)

I really think that sooner or later, even they will start to see that they can’t keep on screening us from the damage they’re doing. When that happens, there will be such disgust, that the market forces WILL change. I truly believe that, and nothing will kill my optimism about it.

By: Kurt Sun, 11 Feb 2007 21:44:00 +0000 Great post. Unfortunately, oil companies will deny the facts of Global Warming until you pry the money from their cold, dead hands.

By: George Sun, 11 Feb 2007 00:19:00 +0000 Great post!!! The conservatives will never accept the fact that Global Warming has been made worse by humans.
