
Bizarro Zero Tolerance

We live in a society that at times seems to take great pains to produce the most idiotic and inane policies possible. In this era of nonsensical political correctness, where up is told it’s really down, and the word “is” has infinite meanings, one of the most confounding practices to be injected into our society […]


A Question of Trust

The world in which we live is steadily becoming increasingly cynical, or at least it seems. We’ve come to expect our politicians to be corrupt and dishonest. We’ve come to see our businesses as greedy and unsympathetic to the plights of their workers. We view each other through tinted lenses that paint us as red […]


Family Values?

Politicians are famous for creating titles for programs or ideas that bear little resemblance to their namesake. Chief among these is the clamor about “family values.” The phrase is used as a feel-good label, slapped on a candidate like just another bumper sticker on the family station wagon. We hear that Candidate A stands for […]


A Tolerant Society

As our world becomes more connected, the expansion of freedom and self-rule becomes more and more dependent on the concept of tolerance. Increased contact between varying cultures requires an increase in the ability to respect, if not accept, or even embrace, the differences between each other. Indeed, for freedom to flourish, tolerance is a vital […]


A Necessary Digression

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” We recognize the […]


Affordable Health Care Does Not Mean Free Health Care

Proponents of comprehensive national health care fall short of the mark when it comes to proposing an equitable plan to pay for it. Naturally, the first thing we can do about making sure people can afford health care is to reduce the entire price structure, focusing medicine back on care and less on profit. And, […]


The Doctor Will Be With You Shortly…

One of the most frequent complaints about our medical system is the lack of availability to doctors and facilities, commonly referred to as “access to care.” Several factors have converged to create this problem, not least among them a decreasing number of doctors, a decreasing number of facilities, an increasing population, and a greater demand […]


Your Money or Your Life- The Costs of Health Care

Health care costs are the fastest growing expenses for businesses and families. Even those with health insurance can find themselves in serious debt after one medical emergency. Office visits, treatment and medication costs, co-pay’s and monthly premiums add up to thousands of dollars each year, yet the covered care options lessen. What drives the costs […]


Is There A Doctor in the House?

Despite our individual differences, there is one fundamental aspect of being human that everyone shares- we all experience illness at some point in our lives. Some people are lucky, and only succumb to a cold every few years. Some people are accident prone, often getting scrapes, breaks, or bruises. Still other people suffer from debilitating […]


Salvaging Social Security’s Retirement Benefits

With the implementation of the National Whole Life Pension Plan, one of the problems facing national retirement reform is removed from the puzzle. The Whole Life Pension Plan would replace the current system for future generations, leaving us to concentrate on salvaging the current system for those of us who have already been born. Unfortunately, […]