Government – Common Sense Thoughts on Politics and Life Sun, 05 Feb 2017 19:37:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Government – Common Sense 32 32 Political Party Platforms- An Exercise in Self Awareness Fri, 14 Oct 2016 21:14:56 +0000 no-party

As a follow up to my recent essay submitting that the 2016 Presidential Election has actually done a favor to America by exposing the hypocrisy of all political persuasions, I decided to review the official 2016 party platforms of the Republican, Democrat and Libertarian parties. (links provided to each for your reading pleasure) I focused really on each respective Preamble rather than specific policy intents, primarily because the preamble contains those statements and beliefs upon which the policies purport to derive.

Not surprisingly, all three mantras are filled with similar expressions of who they think they are. Not surprisingly there are many similarities in the overarching “value statements” even though each party would have you believe that they are very different from each other. I boiled out the main points for each, and adjusted them to the first person perspective so you can review them yourself. However, I also added some color (literally and figuratively) to show how I understand the adherents of each party actually internalizes these values, based on the behavior of the last several decades worth of American political attitudes and realities, and in particular what has bubbled to the surface in this election cycle. There will always be bad ideas and good ideas in governing. We will not always all agree. But we simply cannot continue our present course and hope to ever surmount the challenges we face today.

Agree or disagree- your choice. But as I alluded yesterday, when you look into the mirror and fail to recognize your own shortcomings, or worse yet, insist that others are to blame for all your problems, we all lose. In that spirit, I propose my own political platform at the end of the article. I invite you all to join me in restoring some semblance of sanity to the conversation.

(In no particular order…..)


I believe in American exceptionalism. (Despite evidence that America falls behind many other industrialized countries in many measurable categories)

I affirm that all are created equal, endowed with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (Unless they are illegal immigrants, Muslim, LGBTQ, female, atheist, or Democrats)

I believe the Constitution was not written as a flexible document, but as an enduring covenant. (Except for the parts about corporations being equal to people. All amendments after the 10th (Bill of Rights) are probably unworthy since they weren’t part of the original document.)

I believe our constitutional system — limited government, separation of powers, federalism, and the rights of the people — must be preserved uncompromised for future generations. (Except for things like drug laws, reproductive rights, unborn people, aide to Israel, and corporate welfare rules- those should all be mandated by the government regardless of my claim to support limited government.)

I believe political freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. (Especially for corporate money in politics and the right to avoid taxes.)

I believe that people are the best stewards of our country’s natural resources. (And by people, I really mean private business – there should be no restrictions on private business with regard to land use and environmental quality.)

I wish for peace — so I insist on strength. (I mean I insist on forcing other countries to bow to our will.)

The men and women of our military remain the world’s best. (But the leadership of the military are a bunch of idiots.)

I seek friendship with all peoples and all nations. (And by friendship I really mean fealty. Except for Muslims. And gays. And atheists.)

Our economy has become weak with stagnant wages. (And the only solution is lower taxes on the wealthy.)

Our standing in world affairs has declined. (Because the world won’t do what we tell them to do.)

Remove the power from unelected, unaccountable government. (By power I mean regulations on companies, judges who don’t agree with me all the time, and protesters.)

Relieve government regulations. (Like, totally.)

Return to people and states the control and power to make  decisions about what’s best for themselves, families and communities. (Unless those decisions have to do with unwanted pregnancies, who can get married, or anything to do with guns.)



Out of many, we are one. (But I generally don’t like right-wingers.)

Wages have barely budged and the racial wealth gap remains wide. (And the only solution is higher taxes on the rich.)

Congress is full of gridlock and dysfunction instead of finding solutions to the real challenges we face. (But that’s only because of the Republicans refusing to compromise. It’s not Democrats fault….as much.)

Cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment. (Unless you don’t agree with our policy positions that is.)

We are stronger when we have an economy that works for everyone. (But especially the public sector employees and their unions.)

I need an economy that prioritizes long-term investment over short-term profit-seeking, rewards the common interest over self-interest, and promotes innovation and entrepreneurship. (This is mostly just because it sounds great, but I strongly value nepotism in awarding long-term contracts and have no problem when tax schemes are diverted into pet projects.)

I know that our nation’s long struggle with race is far from over. (And I will use this as a distraction instead of adopting real plans to change this reality.)

I believe a good education is a basic right of all Americans. (But don’t worry too much about how they get it or what constitutes “good.”)

I firmly believe that the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street must be brought to an end. (Just so long as it doesn’t screw up my 401k or harm my investments personally.)

I will fight to end the broken campaign finance system. (And by fight I mostly mean say it’s bad while doing very little to end it, especially if it helps my candidate.)

I believe that climate change poses a real and urgent threat to our economy, our national security, and our children’s health and futures. (But I’ll actually do very little to make changes in my lifestyle to help.)

I believe we should strengthen our alliances, not weaken them. (But I don’t really know how to do this because I still think we’re the best around.)

I believe in the power of development and diplomacy. (Absolutely. Almost always.)

I believe our military should be the best-trained, best-equipped fighting force in the world, and that we must do everything we can to honor and support our veterans. (But really can’t we all just get along?)

I respect differences of perspective and belief. (Except for those on the right. Primarily those on the right.)

I believe in protecting and guaranteeing civil rights and voting rights for all citizens. (Because there is never a good reason not to, right?)



I seek a world of liberty. (And by liberty I mean leave me then hell alone.)

I believe all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one should be forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others. (So like, no taxes man. Because I can build my own road and put out my own fire and educate my own family.)

I believe that only through individual freedom can peace and prosperity be realized. (And by freedom I mean leave me the hell alone.)                                

I defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings. (So really, fewer rules and laws are best. No regulations because corporations will naturally do what is best for everyone.)

I seek a world where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power. (Who cares if you want to marry your pet horse, cut down all the trees that block your view, or dump paint in the local water source. I mean, if that’s your DREAM….)

(Another way…)


I believe that no one country is better than another simply because they claim to be.

All are created equal, endowed with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Our Constitution is a valuable guide but can change with modern needs and expectations.

Limited government is great for some things, but where people can’t agree or where corporations cause harm or where we all need to share resources, government has a role.

I seek friendship with all peoples and all nations so long as they seek the same from me. If they choose to not seek friendship that doesn’t automatically make them my enemy.

Cooperation is better than conflict and empowerment is better than resentment- but compromise for the good of most over the good of a few should be the guiding principal.

I believe in the power of diplomacy.

I believe in protecting the civil rights of all citizens.

I believe a comprehensive education is a basic right, as are health care, clean water, air, food and shelter.

All people have a right to not be judged on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other difference over which there no personal control.

I respect differences of perspective and belief and encourage healthy debate instead of belittlement of others.

I defend each person’s right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest.

I seek a world where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, but within the agreed upon constraints of society.

I believe that government in general should not bind itself indefinitely to most things and should expect changes as attitudes change over time, provided they always remain committed to fostering betterment in the world for all.

I believe in freedom of thought and speech, but not speech or thought based in discrimination, hate, or retribution.

I believe in a fair economy, one which rewards innovation and hard work without penalizing lower skilled tasks.

I believe in shared responsibility and shared benefits for the common resources, new technology and infrastructure.

I believe politicians should have limited power and terms and that governance shouldn’t be a “zero sum proposition.”

I believe that governments and individuals together have a duty to protect, preserve, manage, and develop our natural world in ways that promote longevity of resources, minimize short and long term destruction and foster renewability while looking out for the other species on this planet.

I believe military power should always be a last resort, should never be used to advance a single national ideology, and a shared responsibility by all nations who seek to work together.

I believe that no one person or profession is innately superior to another due simply to their current station in life.

A fair, responsible, fact based news media is vital to cooperation and rational discourse. Jaded or politicized reporting hurts us all.

I believe that religion in general has no place in governance so long as a plethora of religious thought exists.

Nothing would make me happier than a wholesale abandonment of our current party system towards something even slightly more agreeable. Let me know if you want to join the “Rational Party.”

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Why I’m Grateful for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and the 2016 Presidential Election (and yes, you too Gary Johnson) Wed, 12 Oct 2016 17:58:33 +0000 debate-pix

The title of this post sounds a lot like a high school essay assignment, and in some ways I feel like it could be. Election 2016 has much in common with adolescence-from the nasty name calling to the easily debunked fallacies, from the widespread rumors to the false friendships- that it would be more appropriate as a class election than one for the leader of this country. Yet as I realize this truth, I also finally understand that this election cycle deserves more than just contempt. Instead, Election 2016 should be celebrated, for in this election the fallacy of American excellence has finally been laid bare for all to see. The notion that American democracy is pure, that American voters are responsible, that Americans  want decent leaders, and that Americans as a people value equality, respect, tolerance, progress, and basic human goodness….all those ideals have been exposed as little more than window dressing at a bankruptcy liquidation sale.

We’ve known for some time now that our politics are broken. We’ve known that our media is corrupted. We’ve known that equality as an ideal we’re far from realizing. We’ve known all this and yet been pretending the opposite is the truth, blaming “the other side” as the cause of all misinformation and negativity while lapping up the same drivel from our own “truth bringers” as we demonize those who support whatever we don’t personally abide. These things didn’t happen overnight, but Election 2016 bubbled them all up to the surface in such a way as to force anyone paying attention to either admit that everything is broken or be exposed as a total tool living in a house of cards.

Republicans can no longer deny that their base is heavily populated by racists, bigots, hypocrites and liars.

Democrats can no longer deny that their base is heavily populated by nepotists, apologists, hypocrites and liars.

Libertarians, Greens, and Independents can’t deny that their groups are heavily populated by contrarians, deniers, excusers, hypocrites and liars.

The media can no longer pretend to be unbiased, truthful, thoughtful or investigative.

And America can no longer pretend to hold the high ground when it comes to democracy.

“Hold on there partner!” you might be saying to yourself as you read my condemnation of nearly every person around. I’m a (insert political persuasion here) and I’m not a (insert negative attribute here). Take a good long look in the mirror. Yes you are. And so am I if the truth is to be told.

We are all guilty of one or more of the aspects I’ve associated with the political persuasions listed above- and in some cases it’s just a part of human nature. At some point or another we have all told a lie or been part of a hypocritical conflict, decrying the position or behavior of another while secretly indulging our own internal demons. And while we’re not all racists, bigots, nepotists or contrarians, this election has exposed that a vast percentage of America is one or more of those things. We’re an unruly mob of ugliness when it comes to politics, and in some cases, when it comes to our deep beliefs too.

How else can you explain the tacit acceptance of the filth that Donald Trump puts forth daily? How else can you explain the ability to brush aside the barely legal activities of Hillary Clinton? How else can you explain the unrealistic positions of Johnson or Stein? How else can you explain the wavering of the great mass of “undecideds” who will throw in behind one of these candidates? When Hillary Clinton spoke of baskets of deplorable she should have included more than just the supporters of Trump- she should have included us all and put herself, Trump, and the other candidates at the top of the heap.

Listen, nobody is perfect, and I’m not expecting them to be, but let’s at least be honest with ourselves and recognize that what seems like a vile departure from decency is really just an unvarnished look behind the mask of who we really are. You can’t consider yourself a good religious person and then reduce the behavior of the two main candidates as mere foibles while decrying the other one as “the destruction of all that America stands for.” You can’t consider yourself to be intellectually honest and then craft excuses about why certain behavior should be overlooked because “that’s how it’s done” or “well the other side did it first.” What we have to recognize here, and to say out loud, is that America needs an intervention or we really will become that proverbial demagogue of international humanity.

It’s time to step back from our self-imposed brinksmanship and accept that we need to become better people. It’s time to stop making excuses for each other’s worst behavior while fomenting our own discord. It’s time to put an end to divisive politics for sure, but also to divisive living in general.

It;s OK to disagree on the amount of and proper use of taxes. It’s OK to debate whether or not we should provide support to other countries or explore outer space or how to educate our children or protect our citizens.

But it’s not OK to devalue each other based on race or gender or sexual orientation or personal religious beliefs. It’s not OK to support others who would divide us for their own personal gain. It’s not OK to turn away from the hypocrisy others only to embrace it for yourself.

All these things have been boiling under the surface of our “polite society” for far too long. Finally, thanks to the 2016 Presidential Election, we are seeing ourselves for who we are. It’s not a pretty picture and we have some serious work to do moving ahead. Our next president is going to be someone none of us should admire. Deal with it. But let’s perhaps take the next four years to actually make ourselves better-as people, as parties, as a country. Let’s work on us, and demand better than this from our leadership- political leaders, business leaders, spiritual leaders-and come back as a better country altogether.

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Congressional Reform Act of (2010) Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:03:46 +0000 Received in an e-mail from a friend….not a bad idea really, except for the obvious fact that Congress would have to pass this into law, and there’s only a slightly better than zero chance that any of our career politicians would so willingly make changes that would return our politics and government to the people- they’d miss their corporate overlords way too much!

The Congressional Reform Act would contain 8 provisions, all of which would probably be strongly endorsed by those who drafted our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Congress has the lowest approval rating of any entity in government. I would surely think that the voting public could get their arms around something like this. Something that would create and sustain real change and hope.

Congressional Reform Act of 2010

1. Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below.

A. Two Six year Senate terms
B. Six Two year House terms
C. One Six year Senate term and three Two Year House terms

        Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

2.  No Tenure / No Pension:
    A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office. 

    Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

3.  Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security: 
    All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately.  All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people.

    Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans.

    Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise.  Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

    Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned  citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

6. Congress looses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

    Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

 7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people.

    Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/11 . 
    The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.

    Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned  citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 


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The Difference Between Being President and Being Presidential Thu, 21 May 2009 17:47:44 +0000 President Obama spoke this morning to discuss major policy initiatives regarding the handling of terror suspects at Gitmo, national security, and the need for transparency and the rule of law in government. It was a fantastic speech in both content and tenor, fairly discussing the actions and goals of the previous administration and contrasting those with his own administration’s actions and goals in dealing with the same problems. (If you didn’t get to hear it or see it, you can read the full text here.)

Obama rightly debased the rationale of the previous administration for many of the actions they took over the last 8 years, but he did so in a way that was not (to me at least) designed to inflame partisan passions. Rather, he presented this information as a way to cause us to reflect on what America is supposed to be, how it was designed by our framers, and how it can be so easily derailed by weak minded officials faced with problems too big for them to handle and hard nosed ideologues whose only goal is to exert unopposable power without regard to moral and legal right and wrong. Obama also spread the blame for the savage departure from American values and ideals of the last 8 years to all politicians left and right-for the truth of the matter is that we, the American people, were let down on all sides by cowardly politicians and even more cowardly bullies. For 8 years, our elected officials threw out their responsibilities of due diligence and oversight in favor of political posturing. The actions, and inactions, of those who held elective office during the Bush administration and helped create the national nightmare or did nothing to prevent the fall into the abyss, has caused this country great harm both domestically and abroad. The blame is shouldered equally, and recent partisan bickering only further cements this as fact, for those who protest to their own defense most loudly are likely also those whose actions may seem most detestable.

Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. And I believe that those decisions were motivated by a sincere desire to protect the American people. But I also believe that – too often – our government made decisions based upon fear rather than foresight, and all too often trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions. Instead of strategically applying our power and our principles, we too often set those principles aside as luxuries that we could no longer afford. And in this season of fear, too many of us – Democrats and Republicans; politicians, journalists and citizens – fell silent.

In other words, we went off course. And this is not my assessment alone. It was an assessment that was shared by the American people, who nominated candidates for President from both major parties who, despite our many differences, called for a new approach – one that rejected torture, and recognized the imperative of closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay.” (Obama-5-21-09)

Obama has a tough road ahead. Calls from the left scream for investigations and “truth” commissions. Calls from the right demand an “end to persecution.” This balance is hard to manage while retaining the desire to right the wrongs of American governance. But again, Obama takes the right path, for he is the president, not the judge and jury of this nation. While recognizing the wrongs committed in our names, he also understands that to rectify those wrongs requires a return to rationality and legal principals that this country was founded on. It is not for the president to declare guilt or innocence or to demand trials for grevious wrongs done in the name of “freedom.” That is why we have a Justice Department and a court system and a Congress with investigatory powers. By promoting direct legal action, Obama would be unnecessarily politicizing what is in effect a legal matter, albeit one that goes to the heart of what it means to be America.

That is what I mean when I say that we need to focus on the future. I recognize that many still have a strong desire to focus on the past. When it comes to the actions of the last eight years, some Americans are angry; others want to re-fight debates that have been settled, most clearly at the ballot box in November. And I know that these debates lead directly to a call for a fuller accounting, perhaps through an Independent Commission.I have opposed the creation of such a Commission because I believe that our existing democratic institutions are strong enough to deliver accountability. The Congress can review abuses of our values, and there are ongoing inquiries by the Congress into matters like enhanced interrogation techniques. The Department of Justice and our courts can work through and punish any violations of our laws.

I understand that it is no secret that there is a tendency in Washington to spend our time pointing fingers at one another. And our media culture feeds the impulses that lead to a good fight. Nothing will contribute more to that than an extended re-litigation of the last eight years. Already, we have seen how that kind of effort only leads those in Washington to different sides laying blame, and can distract us from focusing our time, our effort, and our politics on the challenges of the future.

We see that, above all, in how the recent debate has been obscured by two opposite and absolutist ends. On one side of the spectrum, there are those who make little allowance for the unique challenges posed by terrorism, and who would almost never put national security over transparency. On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who embrace a view that can be summarized in two words: “anything goes.” Their arguments suggest that the ends of fighting terrorism can be used to justify any means, and that the President should have blanket authority to do whatever he wants – provided that it is a President with whom they agree.

Both sides may be sincere in their views, but neither side is right. The American people are not absolutist, and they don’t elect us to impose a rigid ideology on our problems. They know that we need not sacrifice our security for our values, nor sacrifice our values for our security, so long as we approach difficult questions with honesty, and care, and a dose of common sense. That, after all, is the unique genius of America. That is the challenge laid down by our Constitution. That has been the source of our strength through the ages. That is what makes the United States of America different as a nation.” (Obama 5-21-09)

At the end of the day, it’s not just what he says that marks this president as a class above his predecessor, but the way he says it, and the way he understands his role in American government. Obama embodies the difference between being president and being presidential- a difference as marked as that between being the class leader and the class bully. Perhaps the juxtaposition of these two quotes is the best illustration of all.

“I’m the decider, and I decide what’s best.” George W. Bush

“In our system of checks and balances, someone must always watch over the watchers – especially when it comes to sensitive information.” – Barack Obama

It’s nice to have a real leader back at the helm.

(cross posted at Bring It On!)

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California Passes Nation’s Biggest Tax Increase Thu, 19 Feb 2009 18:42:09 +0000 California politicians are stupid. Faced with a budget deficit of their own making, rather than make across the board cuts and put a halt on excessive (and in many cases unscrupulous) spending programs, California legislators of both parties have agreed on a massive tax hike to help overcome a $40 billion budget shortfall.

Led by legislative Demcrats, the budget includes what they are calling “$15 billion in permanent spending cuts, $12.8 billion in temporary tax increases and $11.4 billion in borrowing.”  But most of it is just legislative double-speak and it amounts to a travesty for Californians. The $15 billion in permanent spending cuts included several billion dollars worth of “automatic” spending increases that now won’t happen. But that’s not really a cut, since these “increases” don’t represent real dollars already spent. Not real program cuts at all, just keeping the automatic increases from happening this year.

The $12.8 billion in “temporary” tax hikes also are a farce, espepcially since taxes rarely get reversed. The deal between Democrats and Republicans calls for a ballot initiative to allow voters to institute a spending cap, but if voters do approve it, then the “temporary” taxes automatically last for 5 years. These taxes include increases in sales tax, car tax, and income tax.

Oh, let’s not forget too that they are still needing to borrow money to make up the budget shortfall. How does more borrowing fix anything? It doesn’t…it just passes the buck down the line for others to deal with.

I’ve grown used to the California Democratic party being a shill for the public employee unions who are more concerned with their own members and getting more and more money than the general public at large. But the California Republicans just ran on a “no new taxes” pledge to get elected in November, and with their capitulation are clearly stabbing their base in the back.

California legislators have a long history of overspending, buckling to state employee unions in boon times, and creating unnecessary government programs and policies to employ former legislators. A state garbage board meets regularly, pulls in 6-figure incomes for board members (who are political favor takers) and does little to make life better for Californians. This is but one example.

California’s prison system costs twice or three times what most other state systems spend, yet they are squallor filled breeding grounds of violence and sickness. The problem? The promised salary increases and exorbitant pensions given out to the union guards at the expense of real reform and proper care.

The list could go on and on and on, but the fact is that California is governed by idiots who care nothing for their constituents and everything for their political donors and benefactors.

It’s no surprise to see that the number of non-illegal citizens leaving California is greater than those coming in to the state. No more California dreamin’ for some time I think.

In the economic disaster that grips the nation and the world, most economists say that raising taxes is counter-productive to recovery efforts. In the power halls of California, raising taxes is the first priority to managing a mismanaged governmental budget.

That’s not leadership. Too bad so many Californians aren’t paying attention.

(cross posted at Bring It On)

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The Looting of America Wed, 04 Feb 2009 22:18:38 +0000 Morality takes many forms and hides behind many masks. Perhaps no loss of morality is more complete than that which infests the corporate and political leadership of the United States of America. Forget sex and drugs and rock-n-roll; the moral loss I speak of refers to the utter indifference these so-called leaders have with regards to their own personal culpability in creating and sustaining our current economic nightmare.

-Lifelong politicians who “forget” to pay their taxes.

-Corporate CEO’s with their hands in the taxpayer vault gifting themselves with billions of dollars of bonuses and perks.

-Professional lobbyists paying off politicians in exchange for legal cover to commit fraud on the public.

These are but a few examples of how America is looted daily by those we expect to do the right thing. Millions of people are losing jobs and homes, while lawmakers find ways to shovel more money into the abyss in the name of stimulating the economy. Millions of children watch their future earning power disintegrate before their eyes, while America’s corporate stooges plan their next taxpayer-funded junket. It’s enough to make a person want to scream.

Money may be the root of all evil (or the love of money, as the saying goes), but I think our current worries go beyond biblical phraseology. What we are experiencing now is nothing less than a complete breakdown of social conscience and stewardship on the part of those who should not only know better, but are expected to do better. There no longer is shame associated with screwing old ladies out of their retirement funds. There is no moral judgment against those who enrich themselves with one hand in the public till while stabbing the public in the back with the other hand. Hell, for most of these unscrupulous bastards, there isn’t even a legal reckoning to fear. In the “effort” to right the ship of state, any consideration to public scrutiny of what went wrong and why it got that way is deemed not relevant to the “real” problem.

Forgive me if I beg to differ.

The economic crisis may well be the important issue at hand, but trying to solve it with the same people who created it doesn’t really seem to be the best idea to me. We may now have an administration bent on changing the way politics works in this country, but Team Obama has certainly stumbled on its way out of the chute. When “change” is the mantra of the day you not only have to say it, you have to mean it, live it, breathe it in every action along the way. To his credit, Obama has accepted responsibility for some bad selections of staff. But he’s also violated his own new lobbying rules by granting waivers to several who wouldn’t get jobs under the new rules. Bending the rules when they don’t suit you is the old way of doing politics. I think we expected a bit more.

The looting of America isn’t just the emptying of the treasury into the hands of private bankers, auto makers, and insurance corporations. The looting of America also reflects a vacuous morality that says, “Screw you-I’m only out for me.” We’re not only losing our hard-earned money, we’re losing the sense of common commitment that creates and sustains a nation.

If anything, the economic crash is just the last symptom in a body riddled with disease. We ignored the other symptoms for so long that eventually we began to think of them not as signs of poor national health at all, but instead as an evolution towards a better, stronger entity. Corruption that permeated all aspects of public life-from the boardrooms to the backrooms of Congress-was sold as virtuosity if it increased the profit margin. If you had to lie, steal, or bend the letter of the law farther than a world record holding limbo artist, so be it. After all, so long as the general public was wrapped up in petty debates of pretend morality (flag burning, gay marriage, nudity on TV and assisted suicide) the bigwigs could operate behind the scenes pretty much unfettered. At least until the house of cards finally collapsed.

The looting of America is almost complete. Our public finances are a disaster, and our personal finances aren’t in great shape either. Our national infrastructure has deteriorated while those entrusted to its care have fleeced the treasury. But worse is the fact that we accept these things as commonplace to such a degree that outrage is not only invisible, it’s often unthinkable. And when it does rear its head, there’s some “patriotic” idiot ready to slap it down in the name of “good Christian, American morals.” After all, if you admit that your country is failing and that your leadership is filled with greedbags, you have to take some responsibility yourself. And accountability is NOT the American way.

Barack Obama may be the right man at the right time to actually create some changes in this country. Sadly, for many, those changes will be too little or too late. Perhaps far greater than trying to repair a broken economic system is the task of repairing the broken sense of stewardship and morality that ultimately put us in this precarious position. In the end, no amount of political tinkering will withstand the onslaught of immoral actions by those at the helm. We need to not only clean house, but fire the cleaning crew as soon as they wipe up. But that’s not going to happen. Those who hold power have made sure that it won’t happen. And most Americans are too busy complaining about the “other” guy to recognize that it’s “their” guy who is part of the problem too. 

As I said, accountability is NOT the American way. Maybe collapse is. Maybe the only way to really root out the immoral leadership is to start from scratch. At this rate, we may get that chance sooner than later. The question is whether or not we’d even notice the opportunity.

(cross posted at Bring It On!)

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Obama Economic Stimulus- Rescue for America or Rebuilding The House of Cards? Thu, 29 Jan 2009 18:52:08 +0000 So the economy is in the tank. What’s a government to do? In the halls of power, the answer seems to be to throw money at the problem and hope for the best. We’ve had the Bush Stimulus ($165 billion of borrowed money thrown to the citizenry at the tune of $600 a head), and the Bush Bail-out (whereby $350 billion-and counting- was hand delivered to the banks and businesses from the treasury), neither of which slowed the downturn or delivered the promised recovery steps. Now we have the Obama Stimulus of nearly $900 billion on the table and probably set to pass Congress in a short time. The Obama plan relies on a combination of government spending on national infrastructure and targeted tax cuts to stimulate job growth so America can return to its consumer capitalism and get back to business as usual.

For the record, I opposed the Bush Stimulus despite the money that it put into my pocket. Those $165 borrowed billions were bad economics based on faulty reasoning- that citizens would immediately put that money back into the economy. Instead, the majority either put that money in a savings account or handed it back to the banking sector via debt payoff. (Personally, I used that money to pay for summer day care for my daughter, so I guess I was trying to do my “part.”) I opposed borrowing more money that my daughter will be stuck paying off for what amounted to little more than a “feel good” gesture that in the end felt like a sucker punch.

Similarly, I opposed the Bush Bail-out on the grounds that feeding the insatiable maw of banker largesse was exactly the wrong approach to stave off the housing mortgage crisis and credit crunch. A look at the secrecy of the recipients, their proven wasteful use of the money, and a determined lack of willingness by the banks to part with that cash infusion has proven to be one of the biggest transfer of wealth boondoggles of all time. Had the Bush government really wanted to help the economy and the struggling housing market, that $350+ billion could have been doled out to 1.4 million homeowners to the tune of $250,000 each with the stipulation that the money HAD to be used to pay down a mortgage. The result would have been that the banks still ended up with the cash but that the housing mortgage crisis would have been significantly lessened and consumer confidence in their own resources would have been somewhat restored. Even as housing prices crashed, individual equity could have retained some value and consumers wouldn’t be tightening their purse strings like a sphincter in a snowstorm. But that, as they say, is water under the bridge. The Bush plan didn’t do that, and the Bail-out has utterly failed.

So my lack of support for the first two economic miracle cures has proven well founded. Not only did they do nothing to help the real economy, not only did they line the pockets of unscrupulous business tycoons, not only did they drain the treasury, but the tacked on hundreds of billions of dollars to the debt-strapped backs of yet to be born Americans.

Now comes the biggest plan of all, the Obama Stimulus plan, that promises to create jobs while rebuilding our national infrastructure. And again, I have to say I am reticent to offer my support. Don’t get me wrong…I support Obama in general and have been more pleased so far than not with what he’s been putting forth. And as a matter of fact, infrastructure investment in this country is well over due in many areas. The questions I have aren’t whether the money is going to be well spent or whether the spending will invigorate the overall economy- in fact Obama is promising to be as transparent as Saran Wrap so far as the spending goes-but rather returning our economy to “normal” is really all that wise in the first place.

Consider the fact that our consumer economy is predicated on people buying more and more things that they probably don’t need and that will purposefully be obsolete in a few short years. An economy based primarily on consumption necessarily feeds upon itself until there is little left to consume. Yet our form of capitalism needs people to spend more and save less or it does not work. If John and Jane Doe don’t buy the latest widget, people don’t have jobs making widgets. Fewer people working means fewer people buying and around and around it goes. At some point though, the benefits of this kind of economy are outweighed by the damage wrought. The results of a voracious consumer economy is a depletion of resources, an increase in pollution and waste, a reliance on cheaper goods from abroad to keep the spending going, which pushes businesses abroad to keep costs low, which reduces homeland jobs…the cycle continues until the wheels fall off the cart-like they are doing now. One has to ask themselves…is this the best we can do?

For many, the answer is clearly “Yes.” But in the current light, our entire economy seems to resemble one big Ponzi scheme. Good for those at the top, bad for those down the pyramid. And simply shoveling massive amounts of taxpayer money only promises to continue the current scheme in perpetuity. Basically, what our leaders are saying is that in order to fix the broken system, we have to continue doing the things that made it break down in the first place. And I wonder if rebuilding a house of cards and pretending that the foundation is now made of better, thicker, stronger cards is really any fix at all.

I’ve looked over the specifics of the Obama Stimulus and recognize that the infrastructure goals are admirable and in many cases absolutely necessary to propel our nation into a new era of cleaner technology, more reliable energy and transmission, and modernized transportation, medical, and educational facilities. I understand that once begun, many people will be put back to work rebuilding these elements of our infrastructure. But what isn’t being said and what isn’t being advocated is for a fundamental change in the way government, business, and regular people look and think about economic issues. We can spend all this money and rebuild all these things and get people working again…but unless we change our underlying habits and concepts of economy, we’ll ultimately end right back where we are now…deep in debt with little to show for it.

I know that the efforts of the Bush Administration were dead wrong, primarily because Bush and the GOP refused to provide oversight of policies and spending and just wanted to transfer the nations wealth into the hands of bastard financiers and business cronies. Kudos to them. They succeeded admirably in their efforts. They also left us in the worst financial shape in generations.

Now I see the Obama team trying to fix the problem in a different way. We’re still going to borrow and spend a ton of money, but instead of just handing it over, we’ll be getting something back in the process- better public infrastructure. So it’s a step up the ladder in that regard. But it doesn’t really change the dynamics of our consumer capitalism, or the way politicians look at tax dollars.

I don’t have the answers to our problems, but I do have questions. To be fair, Obama himself understands that this massive borrowing and unprecedented infrastructure plan won’t turn the corner on the economy right away. We still face months or years of downward economic news. But he’s trying to help-not by giving the money to a few fatcats with the caveat that they should help out if they want to-but by investing the money in our country. It’s a small difference to be sure, but maybe just big enough to do the trick. At least, we can all hope so.

(cross posted at Bring It On!)

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What A Difference 2 Days Make Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:16:43 +0000 Finally, an adult is running things in Washington D.C. President Obama, in two short days, has begun to transform American politics and our reputation abroad with a series of mature decisions that will shape his presidency and the landscape of American politics. Instead of pretending that things are rosy all around, Obama has told all Americans that the time for sacrifice is upon us. No shopping our way out of our troubles this time. No going it solo on the world stage. No “my way or the highway” mentality.

Consider the following:

1- Announcing serious reforms regarding lobbyist behavior and standards to better ensure that the “pay to play” system of government begins to end.

2-Freezing staffer salaries in a symbolic effort to show that his people will put public service above personal profit.

3-Opening the doors to government decision and policy making and restoring a semblance of transparency to government by repealing the Bush FOIA restraints.

4-Starting the process of closing Gitmo, thus assuring the world that America is back on track vis-a-vis respecting the rule of law, both domestically and internationally.

5-Ending the practice of torture against captured foes.

6-Directing diplomacy and focused attention to be the hallmarks of our international relations.

7-Declaring that assistance to the Middle East will no longer be one-sided towards Israel, provided that the regional players all step to the table together.

And this is all in just two days. Granted, some of these things are more symbolic than substantive, but for the beginning of an administration, symbolism can mean plenty, especially when it begins to transform into reality. More than anything, Obama is telling us all that things are going to be done differently than they have been done in the past. And while many of these early signs are directed outwardly towards our international friends and foes alike, they are as important as any domestic proclamations that he could be making. The problems that face America are also the problems that are facing the world, and many can only be solved through partnerships with other nations. Partnerships…not strong-arm policies that use might without right.

From the economy to the environment to a more peaceful world, Obama can’t hope to succeed alone…indeed, going it alone has put America into one big, ugly hole. We need friends across the globe…real friends, not friends of convenience. By addressing some of the worst aggreviences of the past 8 years, Obama signals that a new day is here. Let’s hope that other nations understand this for what it is-an opportunity for progress-and that they grab hold of the potential for real change.

I admit to being less than pleased with the Obama’s initial beginnings following  his election and up to the inauguration. I’ve noted before that it might be unrealistic to expect much change with an administration staffed with career politicians. But I also noted that so long as Obama drove the ship, experienced deck hands might not be all so bad. Clearly, some of these “old timers” are taking to heart the notion that the old way of business is as dead as the telegraph.

Still, it’s only been two days. So much time remains for things to derail. But some of the hope that bouyed me through the general election, and then started to wane as we waited for the changing of the guard to become official, is returning. I don’t expect miracles (as many seemingly do), I expect progress. And for my money, these first two days of the Obama presidency have shown more promise than the last administration showed for nearly a decade.

(cross posted at Bring It On!)

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“The Time Has Come To Set Aside Childish Things.” Tue, 20 Jan 2009 18:33:05 +0000 Let us hope that this is true.

For those of you who missed it, here is the full text of President Obama’s inaugural speech.

As a new day dawns in American governance, let us all hope together for success. But let us not forget to hold accountable those who promise to do so much. Not just Obama, but all those in government or leaders of industry and business whose decisions make or break America. Let us renew our own potential for good and honor by moving forward into a new future together.

This is not to say that we should all agree on all things at all times, for not all paths available are the right ones. But let us move from an era of nasty discourse and wanton demonization for the sport of it towards an enlightened era where ideas are put forth and debated on their merits and not the faults of the thinker. Let us work together to make better choices for ourselves and our children and our neighbors, friends and families. Let us take the things that drive us apart and put them in the ground with the hope that they will be replaced by a spirit of healthy cooperation and conscientious policies.

Let us not be encumbered by past attitudes or enmities, even as we look to right the wrongs of the last eight years. Instead, let us wash away those legacies that drag us down while embracing those ideas that can propel us forward.

As we move forward, let us not be burdened by old ways of thinking, but let us explore new possibilities to solve old problems. For in the end, it is not me vs. you or Dem. vs. Rep. that will restore our nation to glory. It is not us vs. them either. It is just us. All of us, working together for a better day, a better America, a better world.

(cross posted at Bring It On!)

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The $160 Million Party Mon, 19 Jan 2009 16:36:59 +0000 I’m as excited for Barack Obama to be sworn in as president as the next person, but is a $160 million inauguration extravaganza really the best way to start an administration built on the mantra of change? At the risk of being labeled a “party-pooper,” I have to say, I don’t think so.

Despite America’s long national nightmare that has been the last eight years…despite the historic nature of this presidential election…despite the fact that this new president is the first African-American elected to be to the highest post in the land…and these are all great reasons to celebrate heartily…despite all of those things and a multitude of others…I just don’t think this is the best way to begin a new era in American governance. After all, profligate overspending is the old way of doing things, and to my mind, a $160 million party is merely a continuation of that attitude.

Oh, I understand that people want to celebrate, maybe even need to celebrate this presidential inauguration. I have no argument there. In my own way, I’ll be celebrating this event too. But instead of orchestrating a party of friends and spending a few hundred bucks I can’t really afford to spend, I’ll be commemorating this event internally, awash in the knowledge that America will begin a new chapter and flush with the hope that it’s not too late to turn the ship of state around.

Some will undoubtably say, “Hey. Wait a minute. $160 million isn’t that much, compared to the billions Bush has wasted away.” Okay. I agree. But what’s the point? Our nation is in the midst of the worst economic crisis in over 70 years. Our country remains mired in a war that should never have been. Our domestic problems-from health care to education to immigration to energy to the environment-all are reaching breaking points that continue to put our nation into a downward spiral. We’ve got big problems folks, and no amount of celebrating will change those facts.

Obama came to us with the message of change. I believed him on the campaign trail when he talked about fixing America’s problems, starting with the way government does business. I supported Obama all the way through the primaries to the victory in November, and was hopeful that this man would truly take us in new directions. I’m still hopeful, but I must say I am less than impressed with the way things are beginning. From packing his cabinet with professional politicians who only know the old way of doing things to backing away from some of his more promising campaign rhetoric (although I still believe Obama can instill the change he spoke of with such passion during the campaign), I’m not seeing a hard turn away from the poisonous practices that have made this government such the intransigent beast that it is. I know…the man isn’t the president yet, so what did I expect? One must sit in the captain’s chair before he can steer the ship, right?

Wrong. Obama could have started to create significant change immediately by declaring that upon swearing in there would be no festivities. Instead, he would simply get to work immediately. No big parties. No celebrity performances. No publically funded inaugural ball. Just a quick reading of the oath and off to work. America is in trouble. We don’t have time to party. And we can’t responsibly keep throwing millions of dollars around just to pat ourselves on the back. America’s problems are too big to put off for even one more day. Doing those things would have sent a loud and clear message that a new day was dawning in DC.

But that’s not what they are doing. Instead, tomorrow’s inauguration will be one big party, as if to say, “Problems? What’s one more day going to hurt.”

For my money, I’d rather see Obama take the oath, head over to the Oval Office, and begin to undo the damage that Bush wrought. I’d like to see his first day filled with new executive orders dismantling the worst of the Bush abuses. I’d like to see some real change for once. But I know that won’t happen. Instead we’ll all have to endure this orgy of celebration, this historic moment of change wrapped in a $160 million catering bill. Not exactly humble. Not exactly different. Not exactly a new day in politics.

I guess my hopes for a better tomorrow will have to wait a little longer.

(cross posted at Bring It On!)

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