Comments on: Economic Tidbits Thoughts on Politics and Life Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: shayna Sat, 04 Mar 2006 00:02:00 +0000 I have always said that we are so quick to help “others” that we forget to help “ourselves”. Granted I am all for helping other poverty stricken countries BUT we need to take care of our own first. We are suppose to be the greatest country in the world… it is sad how we can sweep our poorer fellow American’s under the rug. It’s a shame and shouldn’t be happening!

BTW thanks for visiting my diary over at BIO…

By: M A F Fri, 03 Mar 2006 06:11:00 +0000 After reading your post I could not help think about Dick Cheney decrying that people in the US should start saving more money, for their own best interest.

To say nothing of the unworkable Health Savings Accounts “proposed” by Bush in the SOTU.

By: Ken Grandlund Thu, 02 Mar 2006 06:59:00 +0000 (responses)

Windspike- I’d take water over powdered milk anyday-Of course the numbers can be twisted one way or the other, and these few factors don’t account for everything- but they are good indicators of an economy heading the wrong way.

Carol- Thanks for dropping by and leaving some thoughts. And thanks for helping out when you can, and however you can.

Craig- So now hunger and lower wages in America are to be blamed on the terrorists too? Give me a break. Corporations, especially those with interests tied to foreign policy have been making out like robber barons. So the proclivity of hunger and lower wages lies in corporate greed more than anything else, but also by an administration that caters to their every whim and rewards them for bailing out on America.

Jon- “It is up to the federal governmentand State government to offer the assistance if necessary. Why do you all think the American taxpayer is responsible to provide everything just because someone can’t afford it.”

Well, where do you think the government gets its money from? Every penny they have comes from us. So, if as you say, and I agree, that it is their responsibility to offer assistance when necessary, why are they cutting those parts of the budget that offer assistance when necessary? A conundrum Jon, I know.

Scottage- If one is going to tout a strong and positive economy, one should have supporting data to back it up. But we all know how Bush Data comes to be…I call it “wishful thinking.” Thanks for dropping in.

Rev.- And TR was a Republican. He must be shaking in his bones at the folks who call themselves republicans these days. His corporate busting policies offered great chances for the working people.
(Also one of the fathers of the modern environmental movement.)

Anon- You tell a sad tale, and I wish you nothing but the best. I wonder, are there “faith based programs” available to help in your area? If so, what are their rules? Since the government now prefers to funnel aid through them, I wonder if the assistance comes with strings attached.
Good luck.

Lily- You’re welcome. And you’re right. At the very least, we can raise the issue time and again until something gets done. And we can offer what personal help we can when we can. But more importantly, we can elect new politicians who have a better grasp on what public service is about.

Tom- Very Rip van Winkle, isn’t it. Will we finally find ourselves under the thumb of a repressive government and overbearing corporautocracy ala 200+ years ago?
Wake up people…the nightmare doesn’t get better.

craig (2)- Let’s hope their concern translates into something more than just a dull murmur. It will take a lot of those moderate republicans to turn the tides…

Jack- Fat does not mean well fed. Fat does not mean nutritious. Fat means cheap and crap. So nice straw man you’ve put up, but not enough to scare even a sparrow.
Poor quality food leads to poorer overall health, from weight to dental problems to heart issues. Poor quality food is also cheap, and when wages are down and costs go up, people will eat crap if it is the only affordable choice.

Jolly- Yes- the transfer of wealth from the public coffers to the corporate offshore accounts isn’t much different than the thugs in the former USSR. They are sleeping with the government to all our detriment, and our elected sissies don’t care.

By: JollyRoger Thu, 02 Mar 2006 06:30:00 +0000 Jack,

Don’t do that. The silliness of “obesity=plenty” isn’t fooling anyone but you.

Having come from a poor household myself, let me assure you that the cheaper foods also tend to be heavy in the starches.

Now could we bottle up that ridiculous premise and not get it out anymore?

By: JollyRoger Thu, 02 Mar 2006 06:28:00 +0000 I cannot believe the worshippers are trying to place the blame for the spike in poverty on Osama. Tell me, Shrubberals, is your Lord ever responsible for anything? Never mind-I already know the answer to that one.

The El Shrubbo wealth-transfers to the rich had to result in this. And the wingers say they don’t like socialism! Ha!

By: Jack Mercer Wed, 01 Mar 2006 03:01:00 +0000 Hi Ken,

I read a report about a week ago that said that one of the greatest threats to America’s poor is obesity?


By: Craig Tue, 28 Feb 2006 21:38:00 +0000 Paul Krugman had a great column showing how wealth is being concentratred in the top 1% while the rest of the economy is barely moving for most Americans and not at all for Americans. It’s a shame right wing Republicans are isolating themselves from the problems of this country.

I say right wing because I know more traditional Republicans who remember the Great Depression when people had to help each other out; besides independents and Democrats, a lot of decent Republicans are growing concerned.

By: Tom Harper Tue, 28 Feb 2006 02:41:00 +0000 The worse things get, the rosier their numbers are. Orwellian phrases, selective reporting — how long is the American public gonna keep falling for it?

By: LILY BRANFORD Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:12:00 +0000 Thank you for this post, Ken. I think people have a tendency to manipulate numbers to show whatever they want them to show, but people need to write about and talk about truth.

I feel for the commenter above, as I worked as a case worker for many years and there were so many people that are in a sort of trap, struggling, and yet unable to get through. Often an advocate is helpful.

By: Anonymous Mon, 27 Feb 2006 20:35:00 +0000 I was raised in a very poor single-parent household, where powdered milk would have been a treat on some days. As an adult, there were about 15 years of my life where I had a good job, and lived pretty much like an “average” American. Unfortunately, in my late twenties, I was diagnosed with a chronic and incurable (but, not terminal) disease. I’m sick enough not to be able to keep a job, but have a condition that is absolutely NOT eligible for Social Security. I’ve applied three times and been denied three times — with three different attorneys trying to help me get benefits.

Several years ago, I received food stamps for about six months, but was “released” from the program for using too many sick-days in my job training program. There’s not much help available if you: are not a minor, don’t have minor dependents, are not a senior citizen, are not certified “disabled” by the government.

These days, I try to restrict my eating to every other day. It’s the only way I can cover the costs of my prescription medications. Usually, I can afford to feed either my stomach or my disease. Not both.

There are many reasons people go hungry in America. Unfortunately, help is not available to all of us.
