Comments on: The Rise and Fall of the Labor Union Thoughts on Politics and Life Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Labor Going Thru Labor « elcidharth Wed, 12 Dec 2012 20:54:41 +0000 […] Blog Archive » The Rise and Fall of the Labor Union…/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-labor-unio… […]

By: Ken Grandlund Wed, 21 Sep 2005 06:22:00 +0000 (responses)

To All- Not a lot of takers on this post, so I thank you all for your input…

Shea- Your uneasiness towards the unions and their seemingly inherent corruption in right on- they say they look out for the employees, and to a degree, I suppose they do. But in the end, they are becoming just another political business that takes more from the workers than they return, especially when so many abuses have been rectified by legislation or could be with Common Sense reforms.

As for the multi-millions that are being poured in to the political advertising in California, I wouldn’t be too sure of the purity of their motives. As public employees, teachers are paid with tax dollars. They should expect a fair wage for their valuable trade, but not at the expense of all other facets of tax spending. Too often, especially in California politics now, the unions are forgetting their roots about working to better the common man. That should mean all the common interests of the common man, not just their willing(or unwilling) membership.

Chandira- Yes, there are two sides. That of working for the average citizen and that on working to consolidate power for powers sake. Unions seem to have thier hands on both positions. Good to hear from you again.

ViolenceWorker- Yes, the unions are corrupt, either in their organization or in their human leaders. And it is a shame, because they are adding to the polarization of the political conversation. Industry does the same thing, but instead of actually working towards Common Sense compromise, they seem to demonize each other more and more.

I also fully recognize the necessity of profits, but don’t rally behind them as the key to everything. There is a difference between profits and greed.

Thanks for the thoughful comments.

Shea (again)- Yes, business leaders are becoming too powerful, especially with this administration, but in all of politics in general. The are plenty of reforms that could reduce this influence or even eliminate it, but the people need to get off thier asses and make their voices really heard. Thanks for the double comment on this one. Always great to have more fodder for thought.

Windspike- The unions are surely different than their origins, but the bullying aspects are firmly rooted in their past too.

And yes, unions have been, and still can be valuable to the goals of worker safety, health, and compensation. But they are shelving their true purpose for mere political power, perhaps even being used as stepping stones towards other positions of power.

I really like the idea of outsourcing and downsizing the executive staffs of major corporations, and it makes perfect sense too as a way for businesses to reduce their large expenses across the board(room.)

By: windspike Tue, 20 Sep 2005 18:58:00 +0000 Two words came to mind when I read your post and the ensuing comments, Ken. Timidity and temerity. There is a certain amount of bullying going on, both inside and outside of the existing unions that make them different than when they were founded.

Certainly no one would argue that there is no befenfit to unionized workers – look at the United Farmworkers under Cesar Chavez and the stopping of spraying crops while the folks doing the picking were working.

The people that dounded older unions such as the UAW or the various Teachers Unions had scads more temerity over timidity. I don’t know that folks today are amalgamated with the same combination. There, in a sense, is a selfishness about employees these days that is brought on by a fear breading more timidity over temerity. What’s in it for me is more important than what’s in it for us. Wal-Mart is a classic example of the chuztpa needed to make unionization happen, but then again, all attempts to do so have been squashed.

I myself worked in an un-unionized factory for three summers to pay my college tuition. I did so becuase they gave me a job, not because there was or wasn’t a union.

Indeed, some union leaders are facilitating corruption, but the basic fundamental values that unions stand for, are solid principles.

In the end, I would like to see more capitalists with consciences step up to the plate and deal fairly with their employees.

Perhaps it is high time to turn the tables and start outsourcing executive leadership rather than US Jobs. What may actually be happening is that corporate boards are falling down on their jobs and allowing executive pay skyrocket while keeping the workers subjugated with the threat of moving the factories to china. Indeed, it may be cheeper to import chineese execs and keep the jobs local while firing the execs who expect multi-million dollar severance packages.

It’s all entwined. Another complicated issue that I could go on about – but I do think Jim Hightower has advocated for the outsourcing of execs over american jobs in the past anc could be a good starting point for folks interested in that idea.

Blog on Brother

By: SheaNC Tue, 20 Sep 2005 04:47:00 +0000 Violence Worker, I agree that the corruption that occurs in unions is terrible for all concerned, but a current example of why unions are relevant is the Bush administration’s taking the opportunity to cut the wages for construction and service workers participating in the rebuild (link), so that Halliburton, who of course was awarded the cleanup contract, can pay them less money while charging more to the taxpayers. Those laws you speak of are much more easliy removed than they were put in place, especially now, when corporate bosses are more in control of the government than ever. That is why unions began; they did not lose relevance; humanity did not become enlightened and decide to treat workers better; it requires diligent watchdogs to ensure that workers get screwed as little as possible. The bosses will never stop trying to exploit their workers, we desperately need a balance of power or we’ll be right back in the Dickensian sweatshops.

By: Violence Worker Tue, 20 Sep 2005 01:18:00 +0000 As a former union member, let me give you a more realistic view. For several years, I was a member of the International Associatin of Machinists (IAM). I was also a member if the IBEW.

You made some good observations, but there are some other problems with the Unions.

Most Unions are corrupt. Some are corrupted by external influences such as the Mob and others are are corrupt from within such the IAM. When I hired on I talked to my steward about some things. I was told that if I liked my job, I should just shut up and let the Union do their own thing. The implication there was don’t make waves. Don’t uestion the local leadership.

They then changed the by-laws to perpeuate themselves a dynasty. It was really undemocratic. The local Union Boss padded the payroll to include hi girlfriend, etc.

Workers get tired of seeing their hard earned money go to a union where the local President makes over 6 figures and wears expensive suits to come vist the rank and file at election time.

Another problem that I didn’t see mentioned is the fact that federal and state laws have relegated the Unions into relic status. Where I work now, there is the same safety and health safeguards in place and probably more strictly enforced then the union shop. Who needs a union? I also have a good 401k. I get more vacation and sick leave and I get yearly bonuses that the union negotiated away.

I admit, I don’t make as much money, but my job is more secure (I was laid off several times and now they are on strike) and there isn’t this built in animosity with management.

You speak of people before profits, but companies are in business to make a profit. It is with that profit they can hire people and pay wages. A poorman never hired me.

We need to acknowledge the positive things the Unions accomplished. Life before the unions was pretty bad. But in modern times, I question how relevent they are. It seemes to me that in 2005, the unions are stuck with a 1955 mindset. I agree with your assessment that if unions are to survive, they need to become more open and Democratic. They also need to fight off corrupt infuences from within and without.

By: Chandira Mon, 19 Sep 2005 16:11:00 +0000 Interesting read Ken, thanks. As always.

makes me feel reallly grateful for my job! My 5 bosses are awesome, and really go the distance to keep employees happy. I am well paid for what I do, and love my job!

I remember the Miners Strikes in England in the 80’s and how painful it was for everybody, we all suffered that one, with eletricity being shut off, etc..

A nice blalnced post. There are 2 sides to every story.

By: SheaNC Sun, 18 Sep 2005 22:50:00 +0000 It’s quite a dilemma. I’m pro-union as a means of countering corporate abuse, but contemporary unions are often abusive themselves. Where I work, we are forced to either participate in the union, or contribute the same amount of money we would pay in union dues, to the charity of our choice. This is understandable, as the union negotiates our benefits and all, but we pay a crapload in dues and have a relatively lousy union to represent us. I wish there were more choices. Also, the corruption and association with organized crime has not helped any. But, in general, unions do a lot of good, as has been shown by teachers’ and nurses’ unions battles with California’s “Captain Hypocrisy,” Schwarzenegger.
