Comments on: You Call That Intelligence? Thoughts on Politics and Life Tue, 24 Jan 2017 17:22:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mac Wed, 09 Mar 2005 22:06:00 +0000 Hi Ken, it’s serendipity or a north-left coast thing; I just wrote a piece on might vs. right.

By: MandT Wed, 09 Mar 2005 00:49:00 +0000 Great site–informed, reasoned and deadly accurate. Regarding intelligence gathering perhaps it could be said that what seems or is experienced as ‘real’ is not always ‘true’. When the two are one extraordinary avatars effect the human condition. Hitler comes to mind in its darkest conjunction and Gandhi as an example of its brighter promise for us. Other examples are atomic energy and the Internet. M

By: Mac Tue, 08 Mar 2005 17:24:00 +0000 [standing] Well done! Unfortunately,we’d have to shower intelligence and common sense upon the tender, swollen heads of this ‘ministration and it’s ilk for generations more before we can affect real change in the cultures of both our military and our government.

Keep ’em coming, Ken. I’m an instafan.

By: Ken Grandlund Tue, 08 Mar 2005 06:21:00 +0000 (responses)

Airman- Thanks for dropping by. I don’t deny that some kind of cooperative efforts exist, only that they are not an exactly concerted effort- too many individual goals making the single effort that much more convoluted. Streamlining is one aspect of reform, but useless without a common cause and a common duty to serve and protect. Too many politicians running the show seek only eventual personal profit and thus run their own agenda’s.

Courtney- thanks for dropping by. I’ll be sure to visit your blog.

Windspike- I think your definition of integrity sums it up pretty well. Thanks for the link.

With regards to being able to admit ones errors, by having an open and forthright communications arm of intelligence, the people would have enough information to preclude any rational leader from misstating the events too much. Spin becomes useless and loses its pseudo-credibility when information is readily available.

An open society thus reclaims its integrity through honest alliances and transparent actions and by living up to its own words and creeds.

SheaNC- We think of spies in Hollywood terms because we have little other reference. And in that regard, the politicians are happy to reinforce that image. It makes the entire “intelligence” apparatus somehow more effective, mysterious, and noble than it really is.

Human intelligence is necessary, but such secrecy and game playing is not. It is far more effective to support your ideals with honest action than with surreptitious intrigue.

By: SheaNC Tue, 08 Mar 2005 06:00:00 +0000 It’s so weird that all the high-rollers have spies, they all know the other guys have spies, they deny the existence of their own spies, they condemn the existence of the other guys’ spies, and the whole flippin’ geopolitical panorama looks like an old Peter Sellers movie. Sheesh.

I do believe we should have a contest to replace the word “intelligence” with something more appropriate.

By: windspike Mon, 07 Mar 2005 23:12:00 +0000 Good Post Ken,

As to your response to my comment on the prior post, I am with you on the difficulty of disconnecting truth from perception. When one tosses faith into the equation, it is difficult to know which end is up, or what intelligence is relevant to act on; which is why I believe that integrity is the penultimate value for public servants. Not finding an adequate definition, I developed my own synthisis long ago. You can finde it below.

The rub lies in the disparity between the opperation or acting on intelligence and the failure to admit when wrong. Admission of guilt only goes so far. So,I may at this point add one other element to my definition to integrity: The ability, desire and actual motion forward to correct misdeeds.

This is where our administration today, goes afoul of ethical practice. It is not so much that W, Rove and Co. acts, but that they narry admit when they were wrong, nor do they work to fix past mistakes. Sooner than later, we run out of cultural, policitical and social capital to spend on any issue and there is no thread of integrity left in this torn apart nation.

By: Courtney Mon, 07 Mar 2005 19:12:00 +0000 Wow! Great Post. You’re one of the very few blogs, not including mine, that actually has something intelligent to say.

By: Commanded Citizen Mon, 07 Mar 2005 15:23:00 +0000 Ken, that was a great post. I think, at least from the surface, this is basically what friendly intelligence attempts to do but it sure could use some streamlining (witness the Saddam and WMD’s situation where all friendly nations had intelligence pointing erroneously to WMD’s in Iraq). If this is not already going on behind the scenes, I’d frankly be surprised. Again, great article!
