So has this contest. “Obama In 30 Seconds.” Just make a 30 second commercial about Barack Obama that portrays an effective and positive message in an original way. The winner gets a bunch of money to spend on video editing equipment and their ad will be aired on national television.

Take a look at my ad in the “Obama In 30 Seconds” contest. I call it “Political Insanity.” It’s not real flashy, not over-polished. Kind of like the candidate it supports. And I think it gets the point across. Once you’ve seen it, do me a favor and toss me a vote. You can do this directly by going here, watching the ad, and filling your name, e-mail and zipcode. Then you’ll need to watch for the return e-mail confirmation to make your vote count. It really is pretty easy.

After you vote me up, you’ll get to view other ads. You can rate these too, including mine if it comes up for you. Give good marks to the ads that are most effective (the real point of an ad), most original (tricky to judge when you begin, but here’s a hint: a lot of these ads have kids delivering a message or a bunch of people either holding signs or speaking a few words to make a coherent message at the end. Original? Your call), and most creative.
The top 15 ads in’s “Obama In 30 Seconds” contest (top 10 in ratings, top 5 in direct views) go to the final round of voting.
So, do a friend (or even complete stranger) a solid and toss me a vote.
(P.S. – While the point of this contest is to boost Obama awareness in general, you do not have to like or agree with Obama, Democrats,, or any other particular view. You could just watch my ad and give me a vote just to be nice.)