
This is the End

As we bid a final “Good Riddance” to the Bumbler-In-Chief, a little retrospective at his “legacy” is hard to resist. Yes, George W. Bush may be headed back to the obscurity of his Texas ranch…but his “legacy” will haunt us for decades… Click here to watch the movie. (cross posted at Bring It On!)  


Timeline To Tyranny

Will Americans get a chance to vote for a new president? Take a look at one frightening possibility in my latest video creation-Timeline to Tyranny. Here’s hoping I’m completely wrong, that we all get a chance to vote and that Bush is sent packing- and McCain too! If I’m right though, I’ll try to hook […]


21st Century GOP

  Taking a cue from the King of Made-Up Reality, George W. Bush, the GOP and their candidates have unleashed an alternate reality that they want all Americans to believe. King George has spent the last 8 years not listening to reality. According to Bush, the economy is fine, Iraq was the best place to […]


Reality Check: No Matter Who Wins The Election, We’re Still Screwed

(photo credit www.werescrewed08.com) Convention fever is lighting up the 2008 presidential elections here in the United States- the time for the major political parties to formally nominate their candidates for the general election, for the party faithful to gather and pat each other on the back while mending wounds inflicted during the primaries, and for the […]


Top US Think Tank Stating The Obvious-U.S. “War On Terror” Wrong Way To Combat Terrorism

Take a look at the following headlines: Foiling Terror Plots Doesn’t Take An Army (August 10, 2006) Law Enforcement Continuing To Succeed Where War Fails (October 4, 2006) New Alleged Terror Plot Thwarted-Again Without Destroying A Foreign Country (June 2, 2007) U.S. Should Rethink “War On Terrorism” Strategy to Deal with Resurgent Al Qaida (July […]


How Bush Turned The Constitution Inside Out

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!” -George W. Bush, November, 2005 The context for the above quote lies in a meeting President Bush had with Congressional Republicans and aides back in 2005 when they were discussing how to renew the Patriot Act. His outburst came after an […]


Bush: Goodbye From The World’s Biggest Polluter

Concluding his final meeting with world leaders at the G8 summit, U.S. President George W. Bush pumped his fist into the air and boldly announced, “Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter.” Probably thinking he was being amusing, Bush got no props from the other world leaders who stood by with looks of shock on their […]


After Claiming Clinton A Failure On North Korea, Why Is Bush Deal Being Lauded As A Success?

Neo-conservatives and the Bush Administration like to paint the 1994 Agreed Framework deal on North Korea’s nuclear program as a failure of Bill Clinton’s foreign policy efforts. They point out that North Korea continued to manufacture plutonium after agreeing not to, and that their breach of the agreement amounts to Bill Clinton having let the North […]


9 Out Of 10 Say High Gas Prices Will Cause Serious Hardship

Can I get a “No Shit Sherlock” from the group? A recent AP-Yahoo poll shows that consumers don’t have a rosy outlook for their financial futures any time soon. Because of high gas prices. From cancelled vacations to finding new jobs, people are struggling to cope with the high price of fuel. And they don’t […]


Personal Incomes Soar Thanks To Tax Rebates-Or Do They?

Boy oh boy, George W. Bush must be doing the happy dance in the Oval Office this morning as newspapers and media outlets are all chanting the same verse: personal incomes in May rose to the highest levels in 33 years!  What? I thought we were in some kind of recession. And rising gas prices […]