
So Tired of Politics….

  This was always meant to be a place for politics and government. From the time I started this blog in 2005 and all the way into late 2008 to early 2009, I immersed myself with the state of American politics. At first, I strived to define my sense of political reason and rational government […]


Important Public Health Warning

The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of an old disease.  The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim.  It’s pronounced “Gonna re-elect ’em.” The disease is contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior involving putting your cranium up your rectum. Many victims contracted it when their politiations were first […]

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Congressional Reform Act of (2010)

Received in an e-mail from a friend….not a bad idea really, except for the obvious fact that Congress would have to pass this into law, and there’s only a slightly better than zero chance that any of our career politicians would so willingly make changes that would return our politics and government to the people- […]


The Difference Between Being President and Being Presidential

President Obama spoke this morning to discuss major policy initiatives regarding the handling of terror suspects at Gitmo, national security, and the need for transparency and the rule of law in government. It was a fantastic speech in both content and tenor, fairly discussing the actions and goals of the previous administration and contrasting those […]


The Looting of America

Morality takes many forms and hides behind many masks. Perhaps no loss of morality is more complete than that which infests the corporate and political leadership of the United States of America. Forget sex and drugs and rock-n-roll; the moral loss I speak of refers to the utter indifference these so-called leaders have with regards […]


Obama Economic Stimulus- Rescue for America or Rebuilding The House of Cards?

So the economy is in the tank. What’s a government to do? In the halls of power, the answer seems to be to throw money at the problem and hope for the best. We’ve had the Bush Stimulus ($165 billion of borrowed money thrown to the citizenry at the tune of $600 a head), and […]


Obama Sets New Path For American Foreign Policy, Addresses Arab World

In his first foreign interview, President Obama sat down with Al-Arabiya television and discussed his initial goals for American foreign policy, both in general and towards the Arab world in particular. As I read through the transcript (you can read it here) I was impressed by the words and the tone, but also by the […]


“The Time Has Come To Set Aside Childish Things.”

Let us hope that this is true. For those of you who missed it, here is the full text of President Obama’s inaugural speech. As a new day dawns in American governance, let us all hope together for success. But let us not forget to hold accountable those who promise to do so much. Not […]


The $160 Million Party

I’m as excited for Barack Obama to be sworn in as president as the next person, but is a $160 million inauguration extravaganza really the best way to start an administration built on the mantra of change? At the risk of being labeled a “party-pooper,” I have to say, I don’t think so. Despite America’s […]


This is the End

As we bid a final “Good Riddance” to the Bumbler-In-Chief, a little retrospective at his “legacy” is hard to resist. Yes, George W. Bush may be headed back to the obscurity of his Texas ranch…but his “legacy” will haunt us for decades… Click here to watch the movie. (cross posted at Bring It On!)