
Into the New Year- 2007

It is here. The end of another year. As 2006 comes to a close, we can look back and reflect on the nightmare it has been or we can look ahead to the awakening we can only hope 2007 will bring. I must admit that I have no great parting words of wisdom for the […]


All You Never Really Knew About Christmas But Were Probably Too Brainwashed To Ask

For the last few years, we’ve all heard the clammoring from those who have endeavored to create a national crisis in their faux War on Christmas. For some, it seems that the defense of the Christian holiday is paramount to salvation. To hear them proclaim that the day is under secular assault and in danger […]


Peace Through Orgasm

Finally a war protest that everyone can participate in and enjoy! A group calling itself Global Orgasm is promoting December 22 as the first Synchronized Global Orgasm for Peace. From their website: “The goal is to add so much concentrated and high-energy positive input into the energy field of the Earth that it will reduce […]


Because We’ve Got This Pollution Thing Under Control

The Bush Administration, in their never-ending battle to fight against good science, a clean and diverse environment, and other assorted evil-doers, is considering doing away with national health standards that cut lead from gasoline, a feat widely regarded as one of the nation’s most successful clean-air accomplishments. Because, well, who really cares about people anyway? […]


Leaving a Legacy

George W. Bush is entering the final phase of his presidency, a time when many modern presidents begin to think about what they have achieved as leader of the United States, to think about their ‘legacy.’ Legacy is most commonly described as something left behind by one generation to the next. Sometimes legacy refers to […]


A Salute To America’s Veterans

(I originally posted this one year ago. It deserves another read this Veteran’s Day. Thank you to those who have served in the past, those who serve today, and those who will serve in the future.) For over 200 years, Americans from all walks of life have answered their country’s call to arms during times […]


The People Have Spoken

Democrats will retake control of the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate too as voters across the United States sent a message to lawmakers in every corner of the nation. In what will rightly be seen as a referendum on the Bush Administration and the culture of corruption that permeates the Republican party, this […]


Vote For Freedom

233 years ago, our predecessors through off the chains of an oppressive, authoritarian, anti-freedom government. Their success was the first step towards our free and democratic way of life. 233 years later, another George is trying to shackle the freedom and democracy of this great country through an authoritarian and oppressive force of will. Today […]


Bush Tries Using Eminent Domain In Space

President Bush has pissed off a lot of people around the world with his unilateralist bent, his unwillingness to grasp nuanced diplomacy, and his unrelenting charge towards destabilization and mass chaos. Yet for a man like the president, it’s not a question of who you irritate, but whether you’ve done anything to irritate them recently. […]


A Message To Democratic Candidates

All indications point to the Democrats regaining control of at least one House of Congress in the upcoming mid-term election. But as they like to say, it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. Indeed, if recent past elections are any indication, Democrats are going to have to fight tooth andd nail for every seat […]