
Same Sex Marriage Gains Ground In California, New York

The California Supreme Courts groundbreaking decision in favor of same-sex marriages is already bearing unexpected fruit. Due to a New York court ruling that said same-sex marriages legally performed outside of New York would be recognized as having equal legal status to heterosexual marriages, California may well become the Mecca for Gay Marriage. Previously, only […]


The Quintessential American Oxymoron: The Hybrid SUV

This week is “Green Week” on NBC, a television network owned by General Electric, maker of all those fine, sparkly things that makes America the most materialistically enjoyable place to live in the world. On one hand, I have to commend NBC and GE for bringing to light the plight of global climate change and […]


Picking A President In America- Is Anybody Paying Attention?

I recently finished reading a book called The Summer of 1787. It was an historical account of the drafting of the U.S. Constitution based on the writings of (convention secretary and 4th president) James Madison and other delegates to that convention. The book details the struggle to craft a charter for our fledgling government, and […]


Rising From The Ashes…

I haven’t read a newspaper, perused a blog entry, watched TV news, or listened to any talk radio since August 30th. I have little to no idea about what has been happening in Iraq, Congress, or around the world. For me, it’s almost as if time stopped two and a half weeks ago, and ever […]


Hey Mr. Carter! Don’t Apologize For Giving Gravity To What Most Americans Already Think

I always liked Jimmy Carter, even more so after he left the White House. Modern historians look at the Carter presidency as being not the best or the worst, but rather somewhere in the middle. Carter assumed the helm at a low point in American confidence. The national psyche suffered from PTSD brought on by […]


Buried In Junk Mail

  I get a lot of junk mail. Almost 140 pieces last month alone. I thought spam was supposed to get rid of junk mail. Instead, I also get about 350 pieces of e-mail spam a month in addition to the junk mail I get in my physical box. Most of the spam gets caught […]


Can Humanity Take The Next Step?

Spring…a time of growth, or regrowth if you will… From our first footsteps as modern humans, our species has moved forward, stretching our potential as we improved our mortal condition, each new step taking thousands of years before its imprint could be seen. It took humanity about 190,000 years to move from the Stone Age […]


Social and Economic Breakdown- Or Why Conservatives Should Want To Fight Global Warming

First, let me say that the title to this post is imperfect, but it’s the best I could do. Clearly, not all ‘conservatives’ decry the fact that the Earth’s climate is changing, or that it is because of human activity that those changes are occurring. Further, ‘global warming’ is somewhat imprecise, as the climate changes […]


Happy Groundhog Day!

I hope you enjoy my first attempt at comic strip humor. (Thank goodness for clip art!) (cross posted at Bring It On!)


Homeland Security Help with Pictures!

The US government has a new website, It’s run by the Department of Homeland Security and is supposed to provide answers to everyday questions regarding emergency situations. And they even offer pictures so there can be no confusion as to what you are supposed to do in an extreme situation. The fun thing is […]