
Possible Terrorist ‘Dry Run’ Reveals Law Enforcement Complacency

It was just before Christmas when authorities received a call from an unknown man saying he had accidentally spilled some mercury in an LA subway station. The man then disappeared and has yet to be found. Then authorities took more than 8 hours before sending out a HAZMAT team to clean it up. Not a […]


If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Ignore ‘Em

There were no overt surprises in the President’s address to the nation. Since late last week, the basic outline of the speech had been reprinted throughout the MSM and blogosphere. And it should be no surprise that Bush is remaining true to form, that is, as myopic and stubborn as ever. Despite the fact that […]


Another Shell Game

Early reports regarding the New and Improved Bush Iraq plan show little more than shell game, with a dash less accountability thrown in for good measure, and a nod to concerted status quo plus. For a while now, we’ve heard Team Bush lubricate the public with the notion that more troops in Iraq are inevitable, […]


Because We’ve Got This Pollution Thing Under Control

The Bush Administration, in their never-ending battle to fight against good science, a clean and diverse environment, and other assorted evil-doers, is considering doing away with national health standards that cut lead from gasoline, a feat widely regarded as one of the nation’s most successful clean-air accomplishments. Because, well, who really cares about people anyway? […]


Leaving a Legacy

George W. Bush is entering the final phase of his presidency, a time when many modern presidents begin to think about what they have achieved as leader of the United States, to think about their ‘legacy.’ Legacy is most commonly described as something left behind by one generation to the next. Sometimes legacy refers to […]


A Message To Democratic Candidates

All indications point to the Democrats regaining control of at least one House of Congress in the upcoming mid-term election. But as they like to say, it ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings. Indeed, if recent past elections are any indication, Democrats are going to have to fight tooth andd nail for every seat […]


Congress-Shining Example of Ethical Stewardship

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) recently released their 2nd annual “Most Corrupt Members of Congress Report” and it comes as no surprise that 21 of the top 25 most ethically challenged elected officials are members of the majority Republican party. Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW said today, “The officials named […]


Protecting the Border For Illegals and Drug Smugglers

Imagine that you work for the Border Patrol and that a big part of your job involves stopping the flow of illegal immigrants and illegal drugs from crossing the border. Imagine further that as part of your training you become Task Force certified from the DEA, collect hundreds of arrests and thousands of pounds of […]


If You Give Them An Inch…

Authoritarianism seems to be popular these days, or at least among those twenty-something percent of Americans who think the President is a swell guy. Recently, I had the good fortune to experience a bit of trickle down Deciderism at work right here in my own neighborhood. And then I got to see it smacked down […]


Down The Rabbit Hole: Flag Amendment Double Take

Last week, the Senate narrowly defeated an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would have criminalized desecration of the American flag. Dictionary.com defines desecration as “blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character.” This definition, which one must assume the amendment text was using absent any other definition, is one most usually […]