
I’m Supporting The Surge

For the second time in as many weeks, President Bush addressed the nation and orated at great lengths about the ‘way forward in Iraq.’ First, on January 10th, the president announced his decision, despite overwhelming concensus to the contrary, to increase the number of American troops in Iraq, escalate his warlike stance towards Iran, and […]


Spreading Democracy-Target Iran

At my house, we like to spend some time putting together jigsaw puzzles. It’s a fun family activity that also stretches our minds spatially. So it’s no real surprise that I am a ‘puzzle’ kind of guy. I’ve been looking at a few new puzzle pieces lately though and I am not in the least […]


If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Ignore ‘Em

There were no overt surprises in the President’s address to the nation. Since late last week, the basic outline of the speech had been reprinted throughout the MSM and blogosphere. And it should be no surprise that Bush is remaining true to form, that is, as myopic and stubborn as ever. Despite the fact that […]


Another Shell Game

Early reports regarding the New and Improved Bush Iraq plan show little more than shell game, with a dash less accountability thrown in for good measure, and a nod to concerted status quo plus. For a while now, we’ve heard Team Bush lubricate the public with the notion that more troops in Iraq are inevitable, […]


A Salute To America’s Veterans

(I originally posted this one year ago. It deserves another read this Veteran’s Day. Thank you to those who have served in the past, those who serve today, and those who will serve in the future.) For over 200 years, Americans from all walks of life have answered their country’s call to arms during times […]


Bush Tries Using Eminent Domain In Space

President Bush has pissed off a lot of people around the world with his unilateralist bent, his unwillingness to grasp nuanced diplomacy, and his unrelenting charge towards destabilization and mass chaos. Yet for a man like the president, it’s not a question of who you irritate, but whether you’ve done anything to irritate them recently. […]


Recent Developments in the War on Terror with a Special Appearance from the Axis of Evil

Law Enforcement Continuing to Succeed Where War Fails While it becomes increasingly clear that Bush’s war of choice in Iraq only produces more terrorists and does nothing to address the real problems associated with international terrorism, in Italy, we are once again shown that diligent, competant law enforcement can and does dismantle terror cells without […]


A Speech Goebbels Would Be Proud Of

Last night, on the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, President Bush addressed the nation with a speech that can only be described as an attempt to ‘catapult the propaganda’ yet one more time. Speaking from the Oval Office, Bush again used the events of September 11, 2001 to further politicize America’s security and […]


Good News! Hezbollah Defeated!

So declared President Bush Monday during a speech at the State Department. “Hezbollah attacked Israel. Hezbollah started the crisis, and Hezbollah suffered a defeat in this crisis,” the president said at the State Department after a day of meetings with his top defense, diplomatic and national security advisers. Whew! Let me tell you what a […]


Odds and Ends

Sargeant, Did You Pay The Power Bill? Seems like fighting the War Against the Evildoers and keeping the lights on at our Army posts at the same time is just too much to ask for. Oh well, just another sacrifice that our soldiers and their families will have to make while the rest of us […]