
Fool Me Once…Can’t Get Fooled Again

The big problem with lying repeatedly over the years, is that when you actually have something to say that could well be based on real facts, hardly anyone believes you. Enter President Gerorge W. Bush. Here is a man who claimed to be a uniter. Who claimed to be a compassionate conservative. Who claimed to […]


Social and Economic Breakdown- Or Why Conservatives Should Want To Fight Global Warming

First, let me say that the title to this post is imperfect, but it’s the best I could do. Clearly, not all ‘conservatives’ decry the fact that the Earth’s climate is changing, or that it is because of human activity that those changes are occurring. Further, ‘global warming’ is somewhat imprecise, as the climate changes […]


What’s $3 Billion Between Friends? (Throwing Money Away In Iraq)

As President Bush prepares to ask Congress to throw another $1.2 billion dollars into the gaping maw that is the Iraq Reconstruction Fund, a recent report from the independent Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction shows that at least $3 Billion has been wasted in such efforts since US demolition reconstruction efforts began in 2003. […]


Happy Groundhog Day!

I hope you enjoy my first attempt at comic strip humor. (Thank goodness for clip art!) (cross posted at Bring It On!)


Desperate Bush Orders Political Gatekeepers For Government Agencies

Having lost control of the Congress in the waning years of his ever-divisive and destructive presidency, President Bush has recently issued an executive order that mandates a political appointee in all government agencies that create regulations over businesses and other entities, especially those agencies that protect public health, safety, the environment, civil rights and privacy. […]


I’m Supporting The Surge

For the second time in as many weeks, President Bush addressed the nation and orated at great lengths about the ‘way forward in Iraq.’ First, on January 10th, the president announced his decision, despite overwhelming concensus to the contrary, to increase the number of American troops in Iraq, escalate his warlike stance towards Iran, and […]


Spreading Democracy-Target Iran

At my house, we like to spend some time putting together jigsaw puzzles. It’s a fun family activity that also stretches our minds spatially. So it’s no real surprise that I am a ‘puzzle’ kind of guy. I’ve been looking at a few new puzzle pieces lately though and I am not in the least […]


If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Ignore ‘Em

There were no overt surprises in the President’s address to the nation. Since late last week, the basic outline of the speech had been reprinted throughout the MSM and blogosphere. And it should be no surprise that Bush is remaining true to form, that is, as myopic and stubborn as ever. Despite the fact that […]


Another Shell Game

Early reports regarding the New and Improved Bush Iraq plan show little more than shell game, with a dash less accountability thrown in for good measure, and a nod to concerted status quo plus. For a while now, we’ve heard Team Bush lubricate the public with the notion that more troops in Iraq are inevitable, […]


Because We’ve Got This Pollution Thing Under Control

The Bush Administration, in their never-ending battle to fight against good science, a clean and diverse environment, and other assorted evil-doers, is considering doing away with national health standards that cut lead from gasoline, a feat widely regarded as one of the nation’s most successful clean-air accomplishments. Because, well, who really cares about people anyway? […]