Can we all send out a big BOO HOO to the Bush administration? Apparently, all the congressional investigations taking place under Democratic control is just too much for the Bushie to handle. After 6 years of rubber-stampers at their beck and call, Team Bush is beginning to feel the heat. And apparently, just too hot in the kitchen for these guys to handle.

During a press briefing yesterday, Bush spokeshole Scott Stanzel told reporters that the Democrats in Congress are spending too much time investigating the administration and not enough time making laws. Curious though is that when the Democrats do try to get legislation passed they are stone-walled by congressional Republicans or are threatened with presidential vetoes, making them too timid (or unable) to push ahead with the lawmaking part of their job. All they really have left is investigating. And frankly, the Bushite have given them more than enough fertile ground to work in.

To be honest, I voted for the democratic majority just for this reason. I never expected them to be able to pass any real legislation that would push America back on track as a world leader in social/scientific/humanistic/health/education arenas. But I did vote for them to bring an end to the do-anything-Bush-says-Congress we had and that got us to the place we are. I did vote for them to uncover the morass of secrecy and corruption that this administration wallows in.

As long as they don’t fall down on that job as well, I’ll be fine with a lack of legislative accomplishments for another year or two.

(cross posted at Bring It On!)