Okay- a few days ago, Steve O asked what we’d all be doing on Election Night. As some of you may know, I am a television producer for a local television station in San Diego. Election night is a big thing for TV news, but I don’t work in the news department, so instead of toting around a camera from poll to poll, I’ve been tapped to fill in for our regular photographers and cover the Madonna concert. I’ll be up in front, pointing my camera at the Material Girl while her legions of fans sway back and forth in the cool coastal air.

But while most TV stations will have wall to wall election coverage most of the night, my station has chosen something a little more enjoyable for our viewers. (Sure-we’ll still have election night updates, a special election night program and a full report in the regular news, but we’ll also have something else, for all of those viewers who are now fully fatigued with this campaign.)

Here’s the promo I created for our special election night coverage. Amazing how I was able to find pieces that so mirrored our current campaign cycle. See if any of these folks remind you of the real candidates.

(cross posted at Bring It On!)